
Is Oct 23 a Scorpio or a Libra?

Is Oct 23 a Scorpio or a Libra?

It’s not as simple as saying October 22nd is always Libra and October 23rd is always Scorpio. People born on or between October 19 and October 24 belong to the Scorpio AND Libra Cusp, also known as the Cusp of Drama or Criticism.

Can you be a Libra and Scorpio?

Libra Scorpio Cusp is from October 19 to October 26. People of this cusp are born between the ending of Libra season and starting of Scorpio season. These people are a combination of both drama and criticism. So, people of Libra-Scorpio cusp exhibit both love and mystery.

What is the Libra Scorpio cusp called?

Dates: October 19 – 25 Ah, the Libra-Scorpio cusp, beauty and the beast. Ruled by Venus and Pluto, this cusp has the power to be a sexual dynamo. But, that combustibility can have its drawbacks. For starters, it’s not easy being the one who always speaks the truth, no matter who it may hurt.

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What zodiac sign are you if your birthday is October 23rd?

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

What does it mean to be born on October 23?

People born on October 23 often strike a cavalier attitude about health and fitness. They tend to have a strong constitution and superior powers of physical and emotional endurance and may feel invulnerable to outside forces. They benefit from meditation before bed to promote deep sleep and productive dream patterns.

Is Oct 23 a Libra?

LIBRA (Sep 24-Oct 23) Libras are ruled by Venus, they have as much charm and beauty which makes them the attractive signs of zodiac.

Are Scorpios and Scorpios compatible?

There’s an undeniable pull between two Scorpios, each being so magnetic and dynamic. Scorpios make impressions and subtly fill a room. Two Scorpios are commanding without saying a word. As a pair, they’ll enjoy being a power couple with a palpable sexual chemistry between them.

Is Libra Scorpio cusp good?

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Libra-Scorpio Cusps Are Good At Reading People As the sign that symbolizes balance, Libras care about keeping the peace and avoiding conflicts — so they tend to be talented when it comes to checking the vibe and picking up on social cues.

Is October 23 a Libra?

What happened October 23rd?

This Day in History: October 23 On this day in 1983, suicide bombers drove truckloads of high explosives into the barracks of U.S. Marines and French paratroopers in Beirut, killing 241 U.S. servicemen and 58 French troops.