


CEO is an abbreviation for `chief executive officer’.

What is PDG in French?

[pedeʒe ] abbreviated masculine or feminine noun. (= président directeur général) CEO (= chief executive officer) ⧫ managing director.

What does PDF mean in French?

Portable Document Format
pdf [ˌpiːdiːˈɛf ] noun abbreviation. (Computing) (= Portable Document Format) pdf m.

How do you translate an article into French?

How to Translate a Document with Google Translate

  1. Open a Web browser and go to
  2. In the top left area of your screen, click the Documents button.
  3. Click Browse to navigate to a document on your hard drive that you want to translate.

What does PDG stand for in pregnancy?

After the ovary releases an egg (ovulation) the corpus luteum produces high levels of Progesterone. Pregnanediol-3a-glucuronide (PDG) is the major urine metabolite of Progesterone.

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When should I take PDG test?

– PdG Tests should only be taken 7-10 days after peak fertility is detected and should not be used beyond this time frame.

What does PDG stand for in school?

Photo by Charyl Patrice Lee, courtesy of Pixabay. In 2014, the U.S. Departments of Education (ED) and Health and Human Services (HHS) jointly launched the Preschool Development Grant (PDG) program to increase access to high-quality preschool programs.

What does OMS mean in French?

[ɔɛmɛs ] abbreviated feminine noun. (= Organisation mondiale de la santé) WHO (= World Health Organization)

What is the full form of ONU in French?

ONU may refer to: United Nations in other languages, e.g. French Organisation des Nations Unies and Arabic: منظمة الأمم المتحدة

How do you translate foreign articles?

On the Google Translate home page, select your languages for translation. If you aren’t sure what language you’re attempting to translate, click the Detect language button. If your article is available online, simply paste the URL into the translate box and click on the blue Translate button, as shown below.