
Is quarter sawn oak and Tiger oak the same thing?

Is quarter sawn oak and Tiger oak the same thing?

According to Hunker, tiger oak is lumber made through a specific method of milling called quarter sawing that results in distinctive grain lumber used in high-end applications. However, quarter sawn oak strictly refers to tiger oak. The difference in plain sawing and quarter sawing is the angle used.

Why is it called quarter sawn oak?

Quarter sawing gets its name from the fact that the log is first quartered lengthwise, resulting in wedges with a right angle ending at approximately the center of the original log. Each quarter is then cut separately by tipping it up on its point and sawing boards successively along the axis.

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What is Tiger Stripe oak?

Tiger Oak Veneer is produced when a log is sliced using the “quarter cut” method. Quarter cut slicing produces the flake and tiger stripe patterns by exposing and emphasizing the medullary rays of the log. The flake patterns (tiger stripes) of tiger oak veneer range from little to no flake up to heavy tiger flake.

Is tiger oak red or white oak?

But in addition to the leaves and outward appearance of the trees, the wood of the various oaks also have a few important distinctions. White oak also has a unique ray fleck pattern when perfectly quartersawn that’s seen more often in antiques—a figure that’s sometimes called “tiger oak” in antique furniture circles.

What kind of wood is tiger oak?

Tigerwood, also known as South American Zebrawood, is a tropical hardwood tree that has largely originated from the East Coast of Brazil. The unique name ‘Tigerwood’ is stemmed from its beautifully contrasting grain pattern coupled with the bold stripes that almost look like that of a tiger’s.

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How can you tell if oak is quarter sawn?

Quarter sawn lumber is defined as wood where the annular growth rings intersect the face of the board at a 60 to 90 degree angle. When cutting this lumber at the sawmill, each log is sawed at a radial angle into four quarters, hence the name. Dramatic flecking is also present in red oak and white oak.

How can you tell Tiger oak?

Then the quarters are cut along each plane of the wedge, with the cuts running radially toward the center of the log. The cuts are made alternately on each face of the wedge, producing narrower and narrower boards as the wood is cut away.

What is canary wood?

Canarywood is an exotic wood that is yellow to orange in color, typically variegated with light to dark red streaking. It can be some what variable in density, it is mostly a hard, heavy and strong wood. Works very easily with both hand and power tools and finishes very smoothly.

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Is Tiger oak red or white oak?

What is another name for Quarter sawn lumber?

Quarter sawing or quartersawing is a woodworking process that produces quarter sawn or quarter-cut boards in the rip cutting of logs into lumber. The resulting lumber can also be called radially-sawn or simply quartered.

What does quartersawn guitar neck mean?

Some high-end guitars and basses have “quartersawn” necks. “Quartersawn” is a woodworking term that describes a certain specific and non-standard method of milling lumber from trees. Quartersawn instrument necks are unusually strong, straight-grain necks superior to standard necks in almost every way.