
Is Raiffeisen a good bank?

Is Raiffeisen a good bank?

They are currently a very profitable bank with about 400 million in benefits these last few years. This bank has an interesting structure. Indeed each of the 246 Raiffeisen banks is independent.

What kind of bank is Raiffeisen?

cooperative banks
Raiffeisenbank refers to cooperative banks in Europe that are rooted in the early credit unions of Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen. The name is found in: Raiffeisen Bankengruppe (Austria), Austrian group of cooperative banks.

Is Raiffeisen an investment bank?

Raiffeisen Bank International offers its clients all products and services of the Investment Banking sector. Our entire Investment Banking business is centrally organized in Vienna and is supplemented by various regional locations with local expertise and market access. …

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How big is Raiffeisen?

Key data. Around 45,000 employees service 17.7 million customers through around 1,800 business outlets, the by far largest part thereof in CEE. RBI’s shares have been listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange since 2005. RBI is Austria’s second-largest bank with a balance sheet total of € 182 billion (as per 30 June 2021).

How do I close my Raiffeisen account?

Contact us through the form “Contact Us” with the Subject “Account cancellation” and your developer account will be deleted.

Where can I open a bank account in Switzerland?

Your option is to open an account at cantonal banks, private banks, and the two big Swiss banks (UBS Group AG and Credit Suisse Group AG)….National Swiss retail banks

  1. UBS.
  2. Migros Bank AG.
  3. PostFinance.
  4. Raiffeisen.
  5. Credit Suisse.

Is Raiffeisen a Swiss bank?

The Raiffeisen Group is the leading Swiss retail bank. The Group is the third largest player in the Swiss banking sector with around 1.9 million cooperative members and 3.6 million clients. As of 30 June 2021, the Raiffeisen Group had CHF 236 billion in assets under management and CHF 203 billion in client loans.

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What does Raiffeisen mean in English?

(rīf´ī`z’n) a. 1. (Economics) Designating, or pertaining to, a form of coöperative bank founded among the German agrarian population by Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen (1818-88); as, Raiffeisen banks, the Raiffeisen system, etc.

What countries is Raiffeisen bank in?

Raiffeisen Group subsidiaries operate in such Central and Eastern European countries

  • Albania. Raiffeisen Bank Sh.
  • Belarus. Priorbank, JSC.
  • Bulgaria. Raiffeisenbank (Bulgaria) EAD.
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina. Raiffeisen Bank d.d. Bosna i Hercegovina.
  • Croatia. Raiffeisenbank Austria d.d.
  • Czech Republic.
  • Hungary.
  • Kosovo.

How many employees are there in RBI?

The 2020 RBI annual report shows that the central bank’s total staff strength of 13,456 included 6670 Class 1 employees. About 2/3rds or 67\% of these employees are designated as managers and above. All of them will now be expected to come to office.

How old is Raiffeisen?

Due to its size, the bank was supervised by the European Central Bank as one of the 126 banking groups….Raiffeisen Bank International.

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Industry Financial services
Founded 16 August 1927 (predecessor) 18 March 2017 (merged with RZB Group)
Headquarters Vienna , Austria