
Is Sao War of the underworld good?

Is Sao War of the underworld good?

SAO: War of Underworld (WoU), without a doubt, is one of the best long-lasting Isekai series in the anime world by far and the anticipation given keeps one-upping day by day, which is unexpected for a franchise exposed to that amount of love and hatred.

Is Sao Alicization worth watching war of underworld?

Sword Art Online, or SAO for short, is an anime fraught with strong opinions. For better or worse, you will find few anime fans with a neutral opinion about the story’s characters, plot, and execution. …

Is Sword Art Online Alicization War of Underworld the last season of Sao?

Sword Art Online’s massive Alicization saga has finally come to an end, and fans are bidding farewell to this season after the final episode of War of Underworld. While Sword Art Online’s anime franchise will continue with a new series, this was a finale in many ways.

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Does kirito get better in War of the underworld?

With Asuna, Sinon, Leafa, and even Eugeo serving as the base for Kirito’s data, he was successfully able to put his mind back together and thus was able to return to his Fluctlight in the Underworld. Kirito is not only back, but is back better than ever just as needed to turn the battle back in humanity’s favor.

What is SAO War of Underworld?

The war between the Human Empire and the Dark Territory has engulfed Underworld entirely. The battle has shifted course with the Dark Territory army led by Gabriel, who seeks to capture Alice, the Priestess of Light, against Asuna and the Human Empire forces fighting to save Underworld.

Is SAO s3 good?

Alicization is a gorgeous, enjoyable season of SAO action that does a lot right but seems unable to shake the issues holding back the previous seasons. Still, if you made it this far you’re likely to see it through to the end, flaws and all.

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Why was Sword Art Online created?

Inventor Kayaba Akihiko created the NerveGear technology and designed Sword Art Online as a world he could reign over as a god. The NerveGear stimulates sensations in the brain and destroys the brain of the host in the event of their in-game death.