
Is science news a peer reviewed journal?

Is science news a peer reviewed journal?

Science is a weekly, peer-reviewed journal that publishes significant original scientific research, plus reviews and analyses of current research and science policy. These policies spell out the rights and responsibilities that authors agree to when submitting and publishing their papers.

What does Phys Org stand for?

American Institute of Physics – American Institute of Physics.

What are the reliable science news sources?

Top 25 Science News Websites on the Web

  • ScienceDaily.
  • New Scientist Magazine.
  • Scientific American Magazine.
  • Science News Magazine.
  • Live Science: The Most Interesting Articles, Mysteries & Discoveries.
  • – News and Articles on Science and Technology.
  • Advanced Science News.
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How do you write a science news story based on a research paper?

How to write a science news story based on a research paper

  1. Find a good paper. Thousands of scientific papers are published each week.
  2. Read it.
  3. Vested interests.
  4. Get context.
  5. Interview the authors.
  6. Get other scientists’ opinions.
  7. Find the top line.
  8. Remember whom you are writing for.

Is science news for students a reliable source?

Science News for Kids has engaging scientific text that’s appropriate for elementary and middle school readers. It’s a great source for kids who need practice analyzing and citing scientific text.

What is advanced science news?

Advanced Science News brings you the latest science news across a broad spectrum of disciplines. Cutting-edge research, features, and commentary. We collaborate with scientists from around the world to provide an accessible platform for cutting-edge research.

What is physorg?™ (formerly is a leading web-based science, research and technology news service which covers a full range of topics. publishes approximately 100 quality articles every day, offering some of the most comprehensive coverage of sci-tech developments world-wide.

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Is ScienceAlert com reliable?

ScienceAlert is an independently run online publication and news source that publishes articles featuring scientific research, discoveries and outcomes….ScienceAlert.

Editor Signe Dean and Peter Dockrill
Frequency daily
First issue 2004
Company ScienceAlert Pty Ltd
Country Australia

What is the site science news?

Website. ISSN. 0036-8423. Science News (SN) is an American bi-weekly magazine devoted to short articles about new scientific and technical developments, typically gleaned from recent scientific and technical journals.

Is science news for students credible?

What makes research scientific?

Scientific research is the research performed by applying systematic and constructed scientific methods to obtain, analyze, and interpret data. Hypothesis should be clear, specific, and directly aim to answer the research question. A strong and testable hypothesis is the fundamental part of the scientific research.

Why is live science a reliable source?

Live Science seems to be a credible source because the credentials of the author of the article are visible at the bottom of the web page with a link that directs the reader to her personal website.