
Is SCO like NATO?

Is SCO like NATO?

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) both have geopolitical interests in Central Asia and the Gulf. The three SCO members enjoy better geographical proximality, while the three NATO members are stronger in military deployments and power projection capabilities.

Is NATO ready?

The NATO Response Force (NRF) is a highly ready and technologically advanced multinational force made up of land, air, maritime and Special Operations Forces (SOF) components that the Alliance can deploy quickly, wherever needed. The Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) has overall command of the NRF.

What is the agenda of NATO?

These proposals aim to reinforce NATO’s unity, to broaden the Alliance’s approach to security and to defend the rules-based international order. Under NATO 2030, Allies will seek to deepen political consultation, strengthen deterrence and defence, and enhance resilience.

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Could a war breakout in the Baltics between Russia and NATO?

If a war were to breakout in the Baltics between Russian and NATO, it might ultimately be irrelevant what the conventional balance is on the ground.

Is NATO’s deterrence against a conventional attack by Russia strong?

Even the RAND Corporation, which has been particularly hawkish, suggests that a Russian attack on a NATO member-state is low even though the alliance faces a conventional imbalance. “Our analysis suggests that NATO’s deterrent against a conventional attack by Russia on a NATO member is currently strong,” a recent RAND report states.

How quickly could Russia conquer the Baltics?

A RAND study had posited that the Russian military could conquer all three Baltic states quickly using its conventional forces in as little as thirty-six hours, but there are flaws in the analysis. The RAND study only accounts for an initial invasion of the Baltics, it does not cover a NATO counterattack or nuclear escalation.