
Is SHM periodic or oscillatory?

Is SHM periodic or oscillatory?

Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM) is the name given to oscillatory motion for a system where the net force can be described by Hooke’s law, and such a system is called a simple harmonic oscillator. When displaced from equilibrium, the object performs simple harmonic motion that has an amplitude X and a period T.

What is the difference between SHM and oscillation motion?

So, the differences between simple harmonic motion and oscillatory motion are: – The restoring force acting on the particle for oscillatory motion is not specified but in simple harmonic motion it is directly proportional to the displacement of the object and acts in the opposite direction.

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Is periodic motion and oscillation the same?

An oscillating movement occurs around an equilibrium point or mean value. It is also known as periodic motion. A single oscillation is a complete movement, whether up and down or side to side, over a period of time.

Are all periodic motions simple harmonic explain and give an example of a periodic motion that is not simple harmonic?

Simple harmonic motion is a periodic motion, but all periodic motions are not simple harmonic’ – explain. The motion that repeats itself at regular intervals of time is called periodic motion. But as these motions do not satisfy the above conditions, they cannot be called simple harmonic.

What is the relationship between period and frequency of oscillation?

More formally, the frequency is inversely proportional to the period. If you double the period, the frequency is halved.

Can a motion be oscillatory but not SHM?

No, it is not possible. All oscillatory motion is simple harmonic.

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What is the difference between SHM and harmonic motion?

Harmonic motion is the combination of Complex harmonic motion and Simple harmonic motion . Harmonic motion is basically oscillatory motion. Simple Harmonic Motion is motion that is purely sinusoidal at a constant amplitude and frequency.

Are all oscillations simple harmonic motion?

No, not all oscillatory motion is simple harmonic motion. Oscillatory motion means that the motion is periodic. From the equation, we can conclude that Simple harmonic motion is a special case of oscillatory motion.

Why all periodic motions are not SHM?

The motion of the hands of a clock or the motion of the planets and satellites are periodic in nature. But as these motions do not satisfy the above conditions, they cannot be called simple harmonic. So it can be said that all simple harmonic motions are periodic but all periodic motions are not simple harmonic.

What is the difference between periodic motion and simple harmonic motion?

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Difference between Periodic and Simple Harmonic Motion In the periodic motion, the displacement of the object may or may not be in the direction of the restoring force. In the simple harmonic motion, the displacement of the object is always in the opposite direction of the restoring force.