
Is Sukhoi Superjet 100 Safe?

Is Sukhoi Superjet 100 Safe?

On the actual question, the Superjet does not yet have a meaningful safety record of any kind, good or bad. It’s seen far too little use, and it only had two accidents, one of which was confirmed as a pure human error CFIT. Driving a perfectly intact plane into a mountainside is akin to driving a car off a bridge.

How many crashes has the Sukhoi Superjet had?

There have been three hull loss accidents and 86 deaths as of June 2019.

How many Sukhoi Superjets have crashed?

Is there a SSJ100?

Sukhoy Superdzhet 100) or SSJ100 is a regional jet designed by Russian aircraft company Sukhoi Civil Aircraft, a division of the United Aircraft Corporation (now: Regional Aircraft – Branch of the Irkut Corporation). …

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What is the cost of a Sukhoi Superjet 100?

None of the above matters if one of these two aircraft are too expensive. The Sukhoi Superjet 100 has a list price of US$ 50.1 million (2018) and more for the extended range version. Polish airline LOT operates a fleet of E170s.

When did the Sukhoi SSJ100 first fly?

Sukhoy Superdzhet 100) or SSJ100 is a regional jet designed by Sukhoi, a division of the United Aircraft Corporation. With development starting in 2000, it made its maiden flight on 19 May 2008 and its first commercial flight on 21 April 2011 with Armavia.

Who is the owner of Superjet?

On 22 August, Sukhoi and Alenia Aeronautica established the SuperJet International joint venture for customer support outside Russia and Asia. Alenia Aeronautica took a 25\% stake in Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Corporation (SCAC) for $250 million, valuing it at $1 billion.

What is the difference between sj100 and Airbus A220?

Airlines will be attracted to the range of this aircraft as it would be more flexible for longer routes. The SJ 100 is a smaller aircraft only just but falls short in nearly every way when compared to the Airbus A220. The SJ100 seats around 100 passengers.

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