
Is sweet peas same as peas?

Is sweet peas same as peas?

The sweet pea isn’t a pea at all—in fact, the seeds of the sweet pea plant are toxic and not edible! However, regular, garden-variety peas are sometimes informally called sweet peas, so that is where the confusion stems from.

What is the difference in English peas and sweet peas?

English or Green Peas traditionally have been grown for the sweet little peas that reside inside the pod. More and more chefs are experimenting with cooking the pods of English Peas and the peas inside of Sugar Snaps have gotten bigger and plumper. I think overall the biggest difference is in their flavor.

What kind of pea is a sweet pea?

Lathyrus odoratus
The sweet pea, Lathyrus odoratus, is a flowering plant in the genus Lathyrus in the family Fabaceae (legumes), native to Sicily, southern Italy and the Aegean Islands….

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Sweet pea
Order: Fabales
Family: Fabaceae
Genus: Lathyrus
Species: L. odoratus

Do Sweet Peas produce peas?

Sweet peas will keep flowering if you pick the flowers regularly – a good excuse to have some beautiful flowers in your home. Remember- sweet pea seed pods look similar to edible pea pods but they are poisonous and must not be eaten.

Are green beans and sweet peas the same?

Peas and beans do look very similar and fall under the general seed family, but they aren’t the same. Peas are generally round while beans have a wider variety of shapes. Color also varies considerably with non-pea beans. Peas don’t usually vary that much in color – they’re mostly green.

Why are sweet peas called sweet peas?

Sweet peas (Lathyrus odoratus) derive their name from the Greek lathyros for pea or pulse, and the Latin odoratus, meaning fragrant.

Are sweet peas sweet?

Can You Eat Sweet Peas – Are Sweet Pea Plants Toxic. While not all varieties smell so sweet, there are plenty of sweet-smelling sweet pea cultivars.

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Which peas are the sweetest?

Garden peas are also sometimes called sweet peas or English peas. The pods are firm and rounded, and the round peas inside need to removed, or shelled, before eating (the pods are discarded). The peas are sweet and may be eaten raw or cooked; these are the common peas that are sold shelled and frozen.

Do sweet peas come back?

Sweet peas (Lathyrus odoratus) only live for a year, dying after setting seed. Perennial species such as Lathyrus latifolius come back year after year, but mostly lack fragrance and there are fewer to choose from.

Are sweet peas considered legumes?

They are part of the legume family, which consists of plants that produce pods with seeds inside. Lentils, chickpeas, beans and peanuts are also legumes. However, green peas are commonly cooked and sold as a vegetable and this article will refer to them as such.

Are snap peas the same as green beans?

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Snap beans, green beans, or string beans… no matter which name you prefer, they are one and the same and in season! Green snap beans are categorized into two different groups, bush or pole beans, based on growth characteristics.