
Is the only direction you can go from the South Pole is north?

Is the only direction you can go from the South Pole is north?

Technically for your position, all directions are directly north since you are diametrically opposite to the geographic north pole. No direction you move will take you east or west. Any direction you walk in (assuming you walk in a straight line) will take you to the geographic north pole.

What is the only direction you can travel from the South Pole?

All visitors to the South Pole head north from there, as that is – literally – the only direction in which you can go.

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When you are at the South Pole What direction are you always facing?

It is the precise point of the southern intersection of the Earth’s axis and the Earth’s surface. From the South Pole, all directions are north. Its latitude is 90 degrees south, and all lines of longitude meet there (as well as at the North Pole, on the opposite end of the Earth).

What happens if you use a compass at the South Pole?

In much of Antarctica a compass needle does its best to point straight up, which makes it useless for finding direction. The south magnetic pole is currently about a hundred miles north of the coast of Antarctica, west of Dumont d’Urville Station. At this point a magnetic compass is theoretically completely useless.

Can you go east or west from the South Pole?

Every direction along the ground is north, so there is no east. But if you take one step away from the Pole, you can travel east by turning right and walking around the Pole clockwise. 180 degrees removed from west, as always. East at the South Pole is any direction you want it to be.

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Can you stand on the South Pole?

First of all, you don’t see any land. In fact, you aren’t standing on land at all, but instead you are atop a sheet of ice floating over a cold, deep ocean. At the South Pole, you would be over land, and atop a high, flat plateau. If you decide to go to the South Pole instead, you’ll get even colder.

Where would a compass not work?

A magnetic compass does not point to the geographic north pole. A magnetic compass points to the earth’s magnetic poles, which are not the same as earth’s geographic poles. Furthermore, the magnetic pole near earth’s geographic north pole is actually the south magnetic pole. When it comes to magnets, opposites attract.