
Is the Radrunner UK legal?

Is the Radrunner UK legal?

The motor is rated at 250 watts continuous output (in the EU) which is the upper legal limit.

Do all eBikes have pedals?

A few ebikes don’t have pedals at all, and just have a throttle. Bikes with a throttle and pedal assist sometimes come with a throttle disable setting, or can operate with the throttle completely unplugged and/or removed from the bike. There’s a variety of different options, in other words.

Can you use an electric bike without pedaling?

One of the key features that many ebikes allow is a throttle without the need for pedaling. This means that you can push a lever and ride your bicycle without pedaling. You can engage the electric motor by twist throttles or thumb throttles. There are a few situations where you’d want this feature.

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Are Stealth Electric Bikes legal in UK?

You can ride an electric bike if you’re 14 or over, as long as it meets certain requirements. These electric bikes are known as ‘electrically assisted pedal cycles’ ( EAPCs ). You do not need a licence to ride one and it does not need to be registered, taxed or insured.

Are Sur Ron legal UK?

The Sur-Ron comes in two guises – Off road and road legal. This being the road-legal version, it is restricted to 30mph to comply with category L1e for mopeds.

What is the difference between pedal assist and electric bike?

Electric bikes typically offer two types of motor engagement: pedal assist and throttle. With pedal assist, the motor engages only when the pedals are being rotated. Alternatively, the throttle option engages the motor whether you are pedalling or not.

Can electric bikes be used manually?

Yes you can. All of the electric bike models we stock allow you to choose how much help you want by simply pressing a button on the handlebar. All of our bikes can be ridden without the electrics switched on. We do find there is a tendency to use the motor when it is there.