
Is the Rocinante a corvette?

Is the Rocinante a corvette?

The Rocinante (“Roci”) is a Corvette-class light frigate with multiple roles, such as torpedo bomber and boarding party insertion. Originally commissioned as the MCRN (Martian Congressional Republic Navy) Tachi (ECF 270), the ship was stationed aboard the MCRN flagship, the Donnager.

How did Rocinante get a railgun?

At the Assault on Thoth Station, a Protogen stealth frigate, the Osiris, brought her integrated railgun to bear against Rocinante at point blank range, scoring a hit on the frigate’s hull. The Rocinante later acquired a spinal railgun of her own to further enhance her combat capabilities.

How fast are the Railguns in the expanse?

In real-life, explosive-powered military guns cannot achieve a muzzle velocity more than 2 kilometers per second but railguns can easily exceed 3 km/s, thus providing greater range and more punch.

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How fast can ships go in the expanse?

You can use non-relativistic kinematics if you like. The starting speed of the spacecraft is listed at 5500 m/s.

Is there Protomolecule on Rocinante?

The protomolecule on the Rocinante activates the Ring builder remnant technology, leading to ghost Miller activating everything on the planet and using the Void bullet to deactivate everything on the planet including the clumbs of protomolecule on the Roci.

How much would the Rocinante cost?

A Closer Look at the $268 Million Superyacht Rocinante (Formerly “TV”)

What is PDC ammo?

A point defense cannon (PDC) is a rapid-fire projectile weapon used by all military-grade spaceships for defense against missiles and ships.

What does PDC stand for in weapons?

The point defense cannons (PDC) on the ships are based on modern systems used on seagoing naval ships. Because ships in The Expanse do not have energy shields, they are the only defense against guided weapons like torpedoes.

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What is a PDC weapon?