
Is there a downside to high SPF?

Is there a downside to high SPF?

SPF only measures protection from UVB radiation. This is another major downside of higher-SPF products. A product with SPF can protect you from sunburns, but it could still leave you vulnerable to doses of UVA radiation. To ensure you’re getting equal protection from both types of radiation, check the ingredients list.

What SPF is pointless?

The FDA has stated that any sunscreen that is not broad spectrum or has an SPF between two and 14 has no effect in preventing cancer or screen aging, and only prevents burns. What’s more, the SPF labeling system does not relate to protection increases.

Do high SPF sunscreens increase your cancer risk?

High SPF sunscreens not only overpromise protection but, according to the Food and Drug Administration, they may also overexpose consumers to UVA rays and raise their risk of cancer. FDA is proposing to limit sun protection factor, or SPF, values and increase UVA protection to ensure consumers get better protection (FDA 2019).

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Is SPF the best measure of sunscreen effectiveness?

Most consumers choose a sunscreen product based on its sun protection factor, or SPF, often reaching for products with a high SPF value, assuming they offer the best protection from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet, or UV, rays. But that is often far from the truth. SPF values are an unreliable measure of the effectiveness of sunscreens.

How long can you stay in the Sun with high-SPF sunscreen?

Theoretically, applying sunscreen with a sun protection factor, or SPF, of 100 would allow beachgoers to bare their skin 100 times longer before suffering a sunburn. Someone who would normally redden after 30 minutes in the midday sun could stay out for 50 hours. But for high-SPF sunscreens,…

Does SPF really protect you from UV rays?

In theory, sunscreen with super-high SPF should give you the best protection against damaging UV radiation. But in practice, it doesn’t really work that way.