
Is there a way to not fight the Arishok?

Is there a way to not fight the Arishok?

Basically just get her Friendship or Rivalry as high as possible before the Arishok and she’ll come back with the book. You have to give him Isabella too, though, if you want a peaceful solution. All other options lead to the less-than-epic battle.

How do you defeat the Arishok in Dragon Age 2?

The best strategy is to move in front of him, and as soon as he starts to attack, move 45 degrees from his front. His attack will miss and allow for a few attacks or an attempt at a stun free from damage. Another strategy is to stand a distance from him and let him come to you.

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Can you save Hawke’s mother?

No matter which option you choose (with Gascard’s help or without), there is no way to save your mother from her unfortunate fate. Before Leandra dies, she tells Hawke that she is proud of them. Hawke can choose whether to reveal the manner of Leandra’s death or not.

What do you say to Arishok?

Tell the Arishok the truth:

  1. If Aveline is in the party then Aveline: friendship (+10).
  2. If Sebastian is in the party then Sebastian: friendship (+10).

How do you beat the Arishok party?

Anyway, here’s a strategy:

  1. Run straight up the stairs dodging the Arishok etc.
  2. Kill the saarebas before they can start their electricity balls of death.
  3. Focus on the arishok with all party members (varric- brand, merrill- hex, aveline – assault etc)
  4. Or kill off all the enemies then focus on the arishok.

Can you save your sister in Dragon Age 2?

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No, you cannot keep Bethany in your party. She will always leave. However, you can determine her fate.

How do you save Hawke’s mom?

No matter which option you choose (with Gascard’s help or without), there is no way to save your mother from her unfortunate fate. Before Leandra dies, she tells Hawke that she is proud of them. Gamlen comes to the Estate and is told of Leandra’s death.

How do you rival on Aveline?

Rivalry with Aveline can generally be earned by ignoring people in need or by doing things, especially unlawful things, for profit alone or by paying off other people’s greed.

How do you beat Arishok as a rogue?

Run around a pillar and wait till he does the charge, then backstab/assasinate or hit him with few autoattacks. Repeat. Takes awhile but you shouldnt take any damage and gets the job done.