
Is there another site like stackoverflow?

Is there another site like stackoverflow?

Stack Overflow is described as ‘, part of Stack Exchange, is a free, community-driven, reputation-based Q & A site for computer programmers. Other great apps like Stack Overflow are Question2Answer (Free, Open Source), Scoold (Freemium, Open Source), Codidact (Free, Open Source) and PeerQ (Free).

What is the difference between stackoverflow and StackExchange?

Stack Exchange is a network of question-and-answer websites on topics in varied fields. Stack Overflow is the flagship site of the Stack Exchange Network, which primarily focuses on questions about programming that are tightly focused on a specific problem.

Is Stackoverflow a forum?

Stack Overflow (Stack Exchange, in the more general sense) is not a forum. In a dictionary sense, a “forum” is a place where ideas and views can be exchanged. But in a larger Internet context, a “forum” is traditionally regarded as a place where issues (questions) are discussed in a threaded manner.

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What is Stack Overflow for teams?

Stack Overflow for Teams is a knowledge management & collaboration solution that technologists already trust. You can improve the overall efficiency and the health of people onboarding in an organization with [Stack Overflow for Teams].

What is reputation in Stack Overflow?

From the Stack Overflow help article on reputation: Reputation is a rough measurement of how much the community trusts you; it is earned by convincing your peers that you know what you’re talking about. The main way to gain reputation on Stack Overflow is to get your questions and answers upvoted by others.

Is Stack Overflow open source?

Stack Overflow itself is not open source, but there are a number of open source Stack Overflow clones to choose from.

Is Stackexchange a blog?

This is the official company blog for Stack Overflow. This GitHub repository is public, so anyone can immediately see updates, new post drafts, and similar changes, even before they are deployed to the blog.

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Is Stack Overflow helpful?

Stack Overflow is an incredible collection of programming and software knowledge. Thousands of students and developers use it daily to lookup answers for questions they can’t solve easily themselves. It’s built and grown by a community of developers, with new questions and answers being added all the time.