
Is vaikuntha and goloka same?

Is vaikuntha and goloka same?

All the Vaikuntha planets are said to be like petals of a lotus flower, and the principal part of that lotus, called Goloka Vrindāvana, is the center of all the Vaikunthas. Goloka is divided into three different portions: Gokula, Mathurā and Dvārakā.

What is goloka chart?

By Citta-hari das Goloka Chart- a depiction of the spiritual world, based on Brahma samhita, Laghu Bhagavatamrta, Brhad Bhagavatamrta, Srimad Bhagavatam and Caitanya Caritamrta has been printed.

Is goloka mentioned in Vedas?

Vasudeva Mahatmya of Skanda Purana also mention the abode of Goloka. Thus the abode of Goloka is described variously in the Vedic scriptures. Above statements from the puranas ,pancaratra and Mahabharata is consistent with the statements of the Vedas (tad visnoh paramam padam).

What is Golok Dham?

This Dehotsarg Teerth is also known as Golak Dham Teerth, located near the Triveni Sangam. It is to believed that Golok Dham is the place where God Shri Krishna took rest after walking from Bhalka Tirth when he was shot by an arrow.

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Where is Vaikuntha Loka?

The Vaikuṇṭha planets begin 26,200,000 yojanas (209,600,000 miles) above Satyaloka. In most of the extant Puranas and Vaishnava traditions, Vaikuntha is located in the direction of the Makara Rashi which coincides with the constellation of Capricorn.

What happens goloka Vrindavan?

According to puranas it is very rigorous and tough to get the 10th dimension which is known as Goloka, it is said that Brahma loka the abode of Lord Brahma is full of all pleasure which is incomprehensible but still the Lord Brahma has a material body, which gets old, sick and eventually dies, but a lifetime is very …

What is Vaikuntha Loka?

Vaikuntha (Sanskrit: वैकुण्ठ, IAST: Vaikuṇṭha), also called Vishnuloka (Viṣṇuloka), is the abode of Vishnu, the supreme god in Vaishnavite Hinduism and his consort goddess Lakshmi the supreme goddess. The Vaikuṇṭha planets begin 26,200,000 yojanas (209,600,000 miles) above Satyaloka.

What is beyond goloka?

” This abode of Goloka is situated outside the Brahmanda(universe). It is the topmost abode. There is no other abode higher than this. Beyond this,nothing exist, only void remains(infinite emptiness and darkness).


Is vaikuntha and Goloka same?

Is vaikuntha and Goloka same?

All the Vaikuntha planets are said to be like petals of a lotus flower, and the principal part of that lotus, called Goloka Vrindāvana, is the center of all the Vaikunthas. Goloka is divided into three different portions: Gokula, Mathurā and Dvārakā.

Is Goloka mentioned in Ramayana?

Brahmanda purana 2.3. 22 also mentions about Goloka as the Lord Krishna’s abode. Vasudeva Mahatmya of Skanda Purana also mention the abode of Goloka.

Is Goloka mentioned in Bhagavad Gita?

In 8th adhaye of Bhagwat Gita, it is mentioned that Goloka is the place where there is eternity, it is beyond moksh and never be annihilated. Those who chant the maha mantras, their did’s become pious. Those who are karm yogi and does his virtuous work can also attain Goloka.

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What is Saket Dham?

Sāketa, in Sanskrit, a place where God resides. Saket can be alternatively used for Heaven or Vaikuntha in Hindu epics, where liberated souls dwell.

How many Vaikuntha are there?

The current location we are living is called as Bhu Loka or earth planet. There are 7 planetary systems above us and 7 below us.

What is Goloka Dham in Hinduism?

The fifth sub-level of this 10th dimension is the dwelling place of Supreme Lord Krishna himself which is known as Goloka Dham. In Bhagwat Puran, it is explained that Lord Krishna expanded himself in the form of Vishnu and Lord Vishnu incarnated himself in the several avatars.

What is madhurya Dham?

Madhurya Dham is again predominated by 5 sub-level this fourfold is the abode of Lord Krishna who is in four forms in this dimension that is pradyumn, Vasu dev, Aniruddha, Sankaran.

What is the significance of Goloka in Bhagwad Gita?

It is written in Bhagwat puran that the soul who lives in Goloka can never return to any descending lokas. In 8th adhaye of Bhagwat Gita, it is mentioned that Goloka is the place where there is eternity, it is beyond moksh and never be annihilated. Those who chant the maha mantras, their did’s become pious.

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What is the significance of Ayodhya Dham in Hinduism?

The second sub-level is Ayodhya Dham which is also known as the dwelling place of Lord Ram where devotees of Lord Ram live, Even Lord Hanuman got the offer to be there as supreme but he refused and stay-back to mrityuloka for spreading spirituality of Ram bhakti and belief among the material world.