
On which sign does the correlation coefficient depend?

On which sign does the correlation coefficient depend?

The sign of the correlation coefficient (+ , -) defines the direction of the relationship, either positive or negative. A positive correlation coefficient means that as the value of one variable increases, the value of the other variable increases; as one decreases the other decreases.

What is the unit of correlation coefficient?

The correlation coefficient does not have any units.

Does correlation coefficient depend on units?

Since the formula for calculating the correlation coefficient standardizes the variables, changes in scale or units of measurement will not affect its value.

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What is the formula of RXY?

rxy is the correlation coefficient between X and Y; • n is the size of the sample; • X is each individual’s score on the X variable; • Y is each individual’s score on the Y variable; • XY is the product of each X score times its corresponding Y score; • X 2 is each individual’s X score, squared; and • Y 2 is each …

Are the sign of the slope of the regression line and the sign of the correlation coefficient the same?

The calculation of a standard deviation involves taking the positive square root of a nonnegative number. As a result, both standard deviations in the formula for the slope must be nonnegative. Therefore the sign of the correlation coefficient will be the same as the sign of the slope of the regression line.

Which correlation coefficient indicates the strongest relationship between two variables?

Explanation: According to the rule of correlation coefficients, the strongest correlation is considered when the value is closest to +1 (positive correlation) or -1 (negative correlation). A positive correlation coefficient indicates that the value of one variable depends on the other variable directly.

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What is the symbol of correlation?

The symbol for Pearson’s correlation is “ρ” when it is measured in the population and “r” when it is measured in a sample. Because we will be dealing almost exclusively with samples, we will use r to represent Pearson’s correlation unless otherwise noted.

Are the units of correlation the same as the units of Y?

If it is false, explain. The units of the correlation are the same as the units of x. Choose the correct answer below. A.

What does a .89 correlation mean?

90 or below) will be said to be strong, correlations of . 70 to . 89 and -. 70 to -. 89 will be said to be moderate, and so on.

How are the sign of the correlation coefficient and the sign of the slope related?