
Should medium of instruction be in English?

Should medium of instruction be in English?

However, the medium of instruction in colleges and universities is always either English, Hindi or a regional language. The medium of education is also dependent upon the state and its official language. In Assam, Assamese or English is used. In West Bengal, Bengali or English is used.

What is the medium of instruction in Malaysia?

Bahasa Melayu is the primary language of instruction in Malaysian public schools. In 2003, the government introduced a policy of using English as the language of instruction for science and mathematics; however, this policy was discontinued in 2011.

Why English is used as a medium of instruction?

English is used from the beginning of a course as the main language in class, and the teacher adapts their methodology to support meaning, by using a lot of visual information and non-verbal communication to support meaning.

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Why English is important for students in Malaysia?

Students who are learning English as a second or additional (foreign) language will be able to develop graduate level communicative competence, and to use English effectively in professional thinking and decisionmaking.

What do you think is the importance of using English as a medium of instruction in the Philippines?

English serves as the medium of instruction in our country. It is the language of the academe and therefore it has the ability to reach a great number of people. English can be used to promote and teach the Filipino ideals, culture, and traditions which can imbed a love for one’s country in the young.

Should English be the medium of instruction in schools debate?

There can be innumerable reasons for English to become the medium of teaching in schools. English being beneficial increases one’s chances of success as there are more opportunities. But importance of the mother tongue can’t be denied; rather conscious effort must be made to ensure that it is not marginalized.

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Is English a compulsory subject in Malaysia?

After independence, the national and official language of Malaysia is Malay; however English has an important role to play. English is taught as compulsory subject from Standard One to Form Five, a period of eleven years. English is also used as a language of communication in urban areas as well.

Is English taught in Malaysian schools?

English is taught as a compulsory subject in schools despite the evolution of the Malaysian education system toward Bahasa Malaysia as the language of instruction. However, differences between the school and university classrooms differentiate the language learning process.

Why is English important in education?

English is important for students as it broadens their minds, develops emotional skills, improve the quality of life by providing job opportunities. Moreover, the use of English as an International language is growing with time because it is the only medium for communication in many countries.

Why are English articles important?

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It is most widely used in communicating around the world, Also it is spoken as the first language in many countries. English is playing a major role in many sections like education, medicine, engineering and business. There are many reasons that makes English is the most important language in the world.