
What activation function did LeNet use?

What activation function did LeNet use?

The first layer is the input layer with feature map size 32X32X1. Then we have the first convolution layer with 6 filters of size 5X5 and stride is 1. The activation function used at his layer is tanh. The output feature map is 28X28X6.

How many layers does LeNet-5 have?

7 layers
By modern standards, LeNet-5 is a very simple network. It only has 7 layers, among which there are 3 convolutional layers (C1, C3 and C5), 2 sub-sampling (pooling) layers (S2 and S4), and 1 fully connected layer (F6), that are followed by the output layer. Convolutional layers use 5 by 5 convolutions with stride 1.

How many parameters does LeNet have?

LeNet-1 was a small CNN, which merely included five layers. The network was developed to accommodate minute, single-channel images of size (28×28). It boasted a total of 3,246 trainable parameters and 139,402 connections.

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What is meant by LeNet-5?

In general, LeNet refers to LeNet-5 and is a simple convolutional neural network. Convolutional neural networks are a kind of feed-forward neural network whose artificial neurons can respond to a part of the surrounding cells in the coverage range and perform well in large-scale image processing.

How many parameters does LeNet-5 have?

This lenet-5 has only 60k parameters. But today we use anywhere from 100m to 100m parameters.

What is LeNet architecture in CNN?

LeNet-5 CNN architecture is made up of 7 layers. The layer composition consists of 3 convolutional layers, 2 subsampling layers and 2 fully connected layers. The input layer is built to take in 32×32, and these are the dimensions of images that are passed into the next layer.

What is the size of input image in LeNet-5 architecture?

The input for LeNet-5 is a 32×32 grayscale image which passes through the first convolutional layer with 6 feature maps or filters having size 5×5 and a stride of one. The image dimensions changes from 32x32x1 to 28x28x6.

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How many neurons are in LeNet?

LeNet-1 Detailed Design This represents 784 input neurons (+ the bias neuron).

What is AlexNet architecture in CNN?

AlexNet Architecture AlexNet was the first convolutional network which used GPU to boost performance. 1. AlexNet architecture consists of 5 convolutional layers, 3 max-pooling layers, 2 normalization layers, 2 fully connected layers, and 1 softmax layer.

Why are kernels of different size used in Google LeNet architecture?

The idea is that with a given convolutional receptive field, multiple stacked smaller size kernel is better than the one with a larger size kernel because multiple non-linear layers increases the depth of the network which enables it to learn more complex features at a lower cost because it has lower number of learning …

How many fully connected layers does AlexNet have?

3 fully connected layers
The Alexnet has eight layers with learnable parameters. The model consists of five layers with a combination of max pooling followed by 3 fully connected layers and they use Relu activation in each of these layers except the output layer.

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What is the output of AlexNet?

The second layer of AlexNet was a max-pooling layer that accepted output from the layer C1, a (55×55×96) tensor, as its input. It performed a zero-padded sub-sampling operation using a (3×3) kernel with a stride of two. This produced a (27×27×96) output tensor that was passed on to the next layer.