
What age do Chinese kids learn to read?

What age do Chinese kids learn to read?

Generally, children between age 3-6 years begin to develop pre-reading and reading skills, though some children may be ready earlier or later than that range. Just as you can’t make a baby walk at 9 months, you can’t force a child to read before they are ready.

How do Chinese kids learn Pinyin?

Even babies/toddlers need to first learn the correct sounds and pronunciations from their parents. Then this is applied through pinyin as they go through formal schooling. Mainland Chinese often text using pinyin system in their phone. Taiwanese often still use a ‘bopomofo’ system of texting from pinyin.

How do they teach reading in China?

Characters are taught using pinyin. Pinyin is an alphabetic script that represents the syllables of spoken Chinese. Children learn pinyin during the ®rst 10 weeks of ®rst grade. As an aid to pronunciation, pinyin is now written above all of the characters in the ®rst and second grade textbooks.

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How did Chinese learn before pinyin?

Originally Answered: Before Pinyin was invented, how do people learn the pronunciation of Chinese? From their mothers, mostly. As in other branches of the human race. But as for for foreigners learning it, mostly by mixing with native speakers.

What was before pinyin?

French EFEO system The system devised in 1902 by Séraphin Couvreur of the École française d’Extrême-Orient was used in most of the French-speaking world to transliterate Chinese until the middle of the 20th century, then gradually replaced by hanyu pinyin.

How are Chinese kids taught Chinese?

In primary school, Chinese kids use special notebooks with “tianzige” (田字格), where each character is written within a square frame. Whilst helping children learn the correct structure of characters, tianzige also helps children follow the correct stroke order when writing characters.

How does China teach their kids?

Chinese children also have to learn pinyin, which is Chinese written in English letters so that even foreigners can read what it says. As well as learning Chinese, kids study mathematics, physical education, music, art, nature, literature, and – very important – moral education.