
What age should a virgin get a Pap smear?

What age should a virgin get a Pap smear?

The majority of healthcare providers recommend women begin pap smears at age 21. If you’re a virgin, or haven’t had vaginal intercorse, you may be at extreme low risk but can still consider getting tested.

Should I get a Pap smear if I’m not sexually active?

Whether you’re sexually active or not, you still need a Pap smear. Most cervical cancers are caused by an infection from the human papillomavirus (HPV), which is sexually transmitted. However, not all cervical cancers stem from HPV, which means Pap smears are necessary whether you’re sexually active or not.

Does a Pap smear take away your virginity?

A pelvic exam doesn’t affect your virginity. A pelvic exam is needed for a Pap test or an IUD insertion.

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How often should I get Pap smear?

How often should a Pap smear be repeated? Doctors generally recommend repeating Pap testing every three years for women ages 21 to 65. Women age 30 and older can consider Pap testing every five years if the procedure is combined with testing for HPV.

Do I need a smear test if I am a virgin UK?

Do you need to go for a smear test if you’re a virgin? The HPV virus is a sexually transmitted disease. So, according to the NHS, if you’ve never been sexually active then you can decide not to have the cervical screening test.

Do I get a Pap smear every year?

“Women shouldn’t confuse the Pap smear with their annual exam,” Sulak said. “A Pap smear is part of the annual. In fact, most gynecologists recommend having a Pap smear every three years if their patients’ previous tests were normal.”

What causes an abnormal Pap smear?

The main cause of abnormal Pap test results is infection with human papillomavirus (HPV). There are many types of HPV. Some types have been linked to cancer of the cervix, vulva, and vagina. Other types have been linked to genital warts.