
What are anglophones?

What are anglophones?

Last Edited. February 5, 2021. In Canada, the word anglophone refers to someone whose first language is English: it is the one they use most often to speak, read, write and think, and the one they use most often at home. Being anglophone can also simply mean being able to speak the language fluently.

How many Anglophones are there in Quebec?

According to the 2011 Canadian census, 599,225 people (around 7.7\% of population) in Quebec declare English as a mother tongue….Montreal.

Ethnicity Population Percent
English 102,998 14.0\%
Irish 78,175 10.6\%
Scottish 64,770 8.8\%
French 63,218 8.6\%

Why is Quebec language important?

Quebec is the only province in Canada where francophones make up the majority population. For almost two centuries, many have maintained that preserving the French language was the only possible safeguard for the survival of the Quebec nation (see Francophone Nationalism in Quebec).

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What are anglophones countries?

Five of the largest of these are sometimes described as the “core Anglosphere”; they are the United States of America (with at least 231 million native English speakers), the United Kingdom (60 million), Canada (19 million), Australia (at least 17 million), and New Zealand (4.8 million).

Are anglophones the victims of discrimination in Quebec?

It’s not hard to find anglophones in Quebec who feel that they are the victims of discrimination. The more hysterical ones will even make comparisons with Nazi Germany or Apartheid South-Africa. The source of this discrimination, they say, is the Charter of the French Language, also known as Bill 101.

Is the Charter of the French language discrimination in Quebec?

The more hysterical ones will even make comparisons with Nazi Germany or Apartheid South-Africa. The source of this discrimination, they say, is the Charter of the French Language, also known as Bill 101. Quebec, of course, does have language laws but do they really constitute discrimination?

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Are basic human rights being ignored in Quebec?

Basic human rights are being ignored in that English speaking individuals who choose to make Quebec their home are not being provided fair and reasonable access in the language of their choice to services such as health care, which by law under the Canada Health Transfer Act it should be adhering to.

Is the integrity of the Quebec anglophone community endangered?

Conclusion: The integrity of the Quebec anglophone community is not endangered. Quebec’s language laws may be a nuisance to Anglos in Quebec but they are not discrimination. Like Affirmative Action in The US, they are designed to correct an historical injustice.