
What are famous 5 groups?

What are famous 5 groups?

  • “The Five” of Russian Classical Music: Alexander Borodin, Cesar Cui, Mikhail Balakirev, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, and Modest Mussorgsky.
  • The Dave Clark 5.
  • The Dionne Quintuplets.
  • Michigan’s “Fab Five” basketball team.
  • Aerosmith.
  • Kids in the Hall comedy team.
  • The Great Lakes (Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie and Superior)

What else comes in fours?

Things That Come In Fours

  • Four seasons.
  • Four directions.
  • Collection of cards.
  • Quadruple.
  • Fantastic four.
  • The four basic functions of mathematics.
  • Elements (earth, air, water)
  • TMNT.

What come in groups of 5?

Let’s look at some common and uncommon groups of five:

  • The five senses: The sense organs are how the body communicates with its environment.
  • The eyes: The bones and fat in the orbits protect the eye.
  • The Nose: Olfaction is the sense of smell.
  • The ear:
  • The skin:
  • The tongue:
  • Pentateuch:
  • Leviticus:
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What is a group of 4 called?

quartet. noun. mainly literary a group of four people or things.

What things come in groups of 3?

To help you celebrate 12/12/12, here’s a list of the best things that come in three.

  • The Primary Colors.
  • The Hanson Brothers (roll your eyes all you want, you know you wanted to be the fourth)
  • The Little Shop of Horrors back up singers.
  • Three ring circus.
  • Three Little Pigs.
  • The Three Stooges.
  • Three French Hens.

What do you call a group of 4 friends?

Friends 4 Ever. Two Times Two’s Company. Four Squares. Fearsome Foursome. Four Score and 7 Years (as friends)

What comes in a group of 6?

A group of six has been considered the best number for bagels, eggs, pastries, or other items usually sold in half a dozen. A six-line stanza is a sextet; a musical group of six is also called a sextet.

What do you call 4 something?

By extension a group of 4 can be. A quartet, foursome, or double date if referring to people and what they are doing. A tetrad, a quadruple, a quad-, quart- if discussing geometry or construction or things that occur in fours or partitioned into four. A nibble, if discussing 4-bits or half-byte in computing.

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What is a synonym for 4?

four, 4, IV, tetrad, quatern, quaternion, quaternary, quaternity, quartet, quadruplet, foursome, Little Joenoun. the cardinal number that is the sum of three and one. Synonyms: quartette, quadruple, quaternion, quartet, quaternary, quad, tetrad, foursome, quaternity, intravenous feeding, quadruplet, quatern, four-spot.

What things come in 2s?

List Of Things That Come In Pairs

  • scissors / a pair of scissors.
  • glasses / a pair of glasses.
  • sunglasses / a pair of sunglasses.
  • goggles / a pair of goggles.
  • binoculars / a pair of binoculars.
  • shorts / a pair of shorts.
  • pants / a pair of pants.
  • trousers / a pair of trousers.