
What are important legal terms?

What are important legal terms?

100 Important Legal Terms Accrue: to come into existence as an enforceable right or claim. Ad interim: in the mean time i.e. for a temporary period of time. Alimony- a court ordered allowance that one spouse pays to the other spouse for maintenance and support while they are separated.

What is a special term of the Supreme Court?

Special terms may be held at the chambers of the justice or elsewhere in the judicial district, but an action triable by the court without a jury, which was upon the calendar of a term before it was adjourned to the chambers of a justice under this section, may be tried at the term so adjourned to chambers only by …

What are the terms of judges?

Judges and justices serve no fixed term — they serve until their death, retirement, or conviction by the Senate. By design, this insulates them from the temporary passions of the public, and allows them to apply the law with only justice in mind, and not electoral or political concerns.

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What do you say in court when you disagree?

Objection. Objection to the form, your Honor. Objection, your Honor, leading.

What is special term court?

1 : a term of court held by a single judge for a special purpose —used of courts composed of several judges to describe the term at which one alone presides whose judgment may thereafter be reviewed by all or others sitting together. 2 : an extraordinary sitting of a court at a time other than that regularly fixed.

What does certiorari mean in legal terms?

The word certiorari comes from Law Latin and means “to be more fully informed.” A writ of certiorari orders a lower court to deliver its record in a case so that the higher court may review it. The writ of certiorari is a common law writ, which may be abrogated or controlled entirely by statute or court rules.

What are the court terms?

A term is the time during which a court is authorized to hear cases, and a session is one of those periods in a term when a judge is actually hearing cases. A regular term is one called for by law, and a special term may be called by a judge or other official when the circumstances warrant it.

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What does the term sustained mean in court?

14 Answers. In court, the term sustained means ‘upheld the validity or correctness of’. For example: the judge sustained the objection of the prosecutor. It can be illustrated that the judge affirmed or favoured or accepted the doubt or protest offered the lawyer. In court, this term sustained means backed, approved, bolstered, confirmed, endorsed,…

What does cc mean in court terms?

The definition of cc means a carbon copy or a cashier’s check.

What is a court language?

The language of the courts. If there is one principle that is fundamental to a fair trial and justice, it is language, as it is through the use of language that people perceive the trial and judgment to be fair. The usage of languages before the courts remained ambiguous for a long time. While some courts accepted submissions in English,…