
What are some cool body hacks?

What are some cool body hacks?

20 Body Hacks That Will Make Your Life Better

  • Condition Yourself to Fall Asleep Quickly. Stop hanging out and watching TV in your bed!
  • Prevent or Force a Sneeze.
  • Stop “Brain Freeze” Fast.
  • Prevent Acid Reflux.
  • Hold Your Breath Longer.
  • Remember Data and Solve Problems in Your Sleep.
  • Improve Your Hearing.
  • Reduce Toothache Pain.

How do you hack a fast sleep?

9 Life-Changing Hacks to Help You Fall Asleep Faster

  1. Take a hot bath. A drop in body temperature helps to make you feel snoozy.
  2. Set a bedtime — and stick to it.
  3. Shut off your electronics.
  4. Don’t drink coffee in the afternoon.
  5. Don’t eat a huge meal right before bed.
  6. Hide your clock.
  7. Wear socks.
  8. Drink Chamomile Tea.

How do I stop sneezing for 5 minutes?

You may be able to stop a sneeze by tickling the roof of your mouth with your tongue. After about 5 to 10 seconds, the urge to sneeze may dissipate. Another tongue method involves pressing your tongue hard against your two front teeth until the urge to sneeze passes.

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How do hacks make your hair grow faster?

10 Genius Hacks For Making Your Hair Grow Faster

  1. Trim it.
  2. Skip super hot water.
  3. Don’t blow dry and flat iron in the same day.
  4. Pat your hair dry.
  5. Pamper your scalp.
  6. Invest in a wide-toothed comb.
  7. Back off the bleach.
  8. Be gentle when taking down your hair.

How can I make my eyes beautiful?

Here are 13 easy, no-fuss ways to help keep your eyes looking as bright and healthy as possible.

  1. Avoid dry air.
  2. Put green tea bags on your eyelids.
  3. Up your intake of omega fatty acids.
  4. Try using rose water.
  5. Use cucumbers to avoid puffiness.
  6. Try an eye massage.
  7. Get good quality sleep.
  8. Protect your eyes from the sun.