
What are stupid questions?

What are stupid questions?

Stupid Questions to Ask

  • Why is it that we call something “cool” when it’s not really cold?
  • Why do we find the smell of gasoline good?
  • Who invented the word “book?”
  • What’s something you do alone that you can’t do with others?
  • Is science really just a way for a person to waste time creating experiments?

How do you answer the most difficult questions for kids?

Answering Your Child’s Toughest Questions

  1. Ask clarifying questions to understand exactly what your child is asking.
  2. Offer a simple, straightforward answers.
  3. Be honest—it’s okay to admit you feel uncomfortable or don’t know exactly how to respond.
  4. Be available for follow-up.

How do you answer stupid questions?

Two useful responses are (1) to ask to rephrase/elaborate the question, and (2) to ask to discuss the issue after the talk. Give them time to think about their question a little more. Give you time to hear them out and figure out why they asked that question.

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How do I ask my mom awkward question?

Here are 32 questions every girl wants to ask her mom but never would:

  1. Are you really proud of me?
  2. Was I a mistake?
  3. Were you really a virgin when you met Dad?
  4. Why do you tell me not to swear when you swear all the time?
  5. Do you still love Dad?
  6. Did you ever do drugs?
  7. Do you still think about a guy in your past?

Would you rather questions for parents?

Have your kid yell that they hate their lunch every day for a year? Have your kid yell that they hate their lunch every day for a year? Double your weekly grocery bill to get them whatever they want?

What are hard questions answer?

Hard Questions to Ask Yourself, and Even Harder Questions to Answer

  • Do you feel like you’ve lived this same day many times before?
  • Are you living the life of your dreams?
  • What would you do if fear was not a factor and you could not fail?
  • What were you doing when you felt most passionate and alive?