
What are the 2 endings of great expectations?

What are the 2 endings of great expectations?

We then explored why Dickens wrote two endings for the novel. In the first, Estella remarries, and Pip remains single. In the second, Dickens suggests that the two will marry. There are arguments in favor of both sides in terms of which ending is more suitable for the novel.

Are Pip and Estella in love?

PIP’S LOVE OF ESTELLA The most obvious answer is that he is attracted to her beauty and her social superiority; she is the remote princess of fairy tales. And so the the prospect of Pip’s gaining her love would be remote as well. There are less romantic possibilities.

Who married Pip?

Despite Pip’s renewed affection, living in London makes Joe increasingly unhappy, and one morning Pip finds him gone. Before leaving, he does Pip one last good turn, paying off all of Pip’s debts. Pip rushes home to reconcile with Joe and decides to marry Biddy when he gets there.

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How does the relationship between Pip and Estella change throughout the plot?

Having been brought up by the scorned bride Miss Havisham, Estella is emotionally stunted and unable to love Pip as he loves her, but despite Estella’s protestations, Pip views attaining Estella as representative of his wider goals in terms of class aspirations. When they first meet, Pip is only a blacksmith’s boy.

Who does Estella marry in Great Expectations?

And rather than marrying the kindhearted commoner Pip, Estella marries the cruel nobleman Drummle, who treats her harshly and makes her life miserable for many years.

How old is Pip at the end of Great Expectations?

This story begins when Pip is seven years old and ends (with the alternate ending) when he is nearly 35. The first six chapters cover just a couple of days, when Pip meets the convict.

What happened to Estella in Cruella?

With its help, she survived the fall, but to everyone’s belief, Estella was dead. Baroness killed her daughter. Before dying, Estella willed her fortune to her another identity, Cruella de Vil. After Baroness’ arrest, Cruella became the rightful owner of the Baron’s fortune.

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Is Estella older than Pip?

Though she represents Pip’s first longed-for ideal of life among the upper classes, Estella is actually even lower-born than Pip; as Pip learns near the end of the novel, she is the daughter of Magwitch, the coarse convict, and thus springs from the very lowest level of society.

What is the relation between Pip and Estella in Great Expectations?

Pip falls in love with the imperious Estella. He is the supplicant in the relationship, and she is the queen bee. This is all as Miss Havisham has planned it to be. When Pip comes into money from a mysterious benefactor, he jumps to the conclusion that it came from Miss Havisham.

What happened to Pip and Estella?

The first published edition of Great Expectations ends with Pip running into Estella in the garden of Satis House after many years of separation. She has lost her first husband but has also remarried, which diminishes the possibility that the reunion will trigger a new relationship between Estella and Pip.

What happens to Drummle after he marries Estella?

What happens to Drummle after he marries Estella? He gets rich.

Do Pip and Estella get together in the end?

Charles Dickens was advised by a friend to make the ending a little happier, so he revised it. However, in both endings Pip and Estella do not get together. In the revised ending, we are told that Pip has “no shadow of another parting from her” but this is not an indication that they get together.

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What happens to pip at the end of Great Expectations?

However, the novel has also revealed Pip’s notorious tendency to misread situations and make false assumptions. By ending the novel with Pip revealing another wishful fantasy, or “expectation,” Dickens might be subtly undermining just how much his main character has actually matured or evolved.

What does Martin Price say about Pip and Estella?

Martin Price argues that the mature Pip, with the saving humor of self-acceptance, finally sees Estella as what she is; therefore, it seems appropriate she can return to him. “Each is a fantasist who has grown into maturity; each is a fantasist that has dwindled into humanity.”

How does the first edition of Great Expectations end?

The first published edition of Great Expectations ends with Pip running into Estella in the garden of Satis House after many years of separation. Estella has been widowed after an unhappy marriage in which her husband “used her with great cruelty.”