
What are the advantages of VLIW architecture?

What are the advantages of VLIW architecture?

Advantages : Reduces hardware complexity. Reduces power consumption because of reduction of hardware complexity. Since compiler takes care of data dependency check, decoding, instruction issues, it becomes a lot simpler.

What are the differences between pipeline superscalar and VLIW processor architectures?

Superscalar and VLIW processors can both execute multiple instructions each cycle. Each employs a different instruction scheduling method to achieve multiple instruction execution. Superscalar processors schedule instructions dynamically, and VLIW processors execute statically scheduled instructions.

What is limitation of VLIW architecture?

VLIW has been perceived as suffering from important limitations, such as the need for a powerful compiler, increased code size arising from aggresive scheduling policies, larger memory bandwidth and register-file bandwidth, limitations due to the lock-step operation, binary compatibility across implementations with …

How VLIW architecture gives better performance than superscalar architecture Explain with suitable diagram?

These three units work simultaneously, in a pipelined fashion, to achieve their goal. This can be compared to pipeline stalls in a superscalar architecture. Pipelining can be defined as a technique where multiple instructions get overlapped at program execution.

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What are the factors limiting the degree of superscalar design?

Available performance improvement from superscalar techniques is limited by three key areas: The degree of intrinsic parallelism in the instruction stream (instructions requiring the same computational resources from the CPU) The complexity and time cost of dependency checking logic and register renaming circuitry.

Is VLIW compiler based architecture?

Since the earliest days of computer architecture, some CPUs have added several arithmetic logic units (ALUs) to run in parallel. Superscalar CPUs use hardware to decide which operations can run in parallel at runtime, while VLIW CPUs use software (the compiler) to decide which operations can run in parallel in advance.

How higher throughput is obtained in DSP using VLIW architecture?

The performance gains that can be achieved with VLIW architecture depends on the degree of parallelism in the algorithm selected for a DSP application and the number of functional units. The throughput will be higher only if the algorithm involves execution of independent operations.

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What are the advantages of superscalar architecture?

Advantages of Superscalar Architecture : This would enable the dispatch unit to keep both the integer and floating point units busy most of the time. In general, high performance is achieved if the compiler is able to arrange program instructions to take maximum advantage of the available hardware units.