
What are the different types of lintels?

What are the different types of lintels?

Different types of lintels used in the construction industry are as follows :

  • Stone Lintel.
  • Wooden Lintel.
  • Reinforced Concrete Lintel.
  • Brick Lintel.
  • Steel Lintel.
  • Reinforced Brick Lintel.

What is a concrete lintel used for?

A lintel is a structural horizontal support used to span an opening in a wall or between two vertical supports. It is frequently used over windows and doors, both of which represent vulnerable points in a building’s structure. Lintels are generally used for load-bearing purposes, but they can also be decorative.

What is the lintel depth and lintel bearing?

The size of end bearing for the lintel beam should be at least 200mm and width of lintel is the same as that of thickness of wall, it is always provided adequate bearing at the end of lintel the manufacturer’s recommendations should be followed but for residential building it is 150mm (6 inch) is provided each end.

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Does lintel have reinforcement?

At present, the lintel made of reinforced concrete are widely used to span the openings for doors, windows, etc. in a structure because of their strength, rigidity, fire resistance, economy and ease in construction. Main reinforcement is provided at the bottom and half of these bars are cranked at the ends.

How long can a concrete lintel be?

Concrete lintels are available in a range of lengths including: 600mm, 900mm, 1200mm, 1350mm, 1500mm and 1800mm.

How do I choose a concrete lintel?

Lintel selection: A step-by-step guide

  1. Step 1 – Establish the construction material.
  2. Step 2 – Determine the opening width and cavity width.
  3. Step 3 – Calculate the load incorporating triangulation.
  4. Step 4 – Interpret the load span tables and ratios.
  5. Step 5 – Selecting the correct lintel.

Are concrete lintels load bearing?

In most cases, the lintels are carrying and transferring huge loads. Even the lightest Fletton bricks weigh about 3 lbs each (or just over a Kg) so 1 square metre of brickwork weighs a massive 25 stones, without the sand and cement joints.

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What is lintel and types of lintel?

A lintel is a beam placed across the openings like doors, windows etc. in buildings to support the load from the structure above. The width of lintel beam is equal to the width of wall, and the ends of it is built into the wall. Lintels are classified based on their material of construction.

What is the maximum span for a concrete lintel?

Plugging and drilling is acceptable providing that the location of prestressing tendons is not compromised. For spans greater than 1200mm, lintels should be adequately propped during construction at a maximum of 1200mm centres.

What’s the biggest concrete lintel?

Concrete lintels are available in a range of lengths including: 600mm, 900mm, 1200mm, 1350mm, 1500mm and 1800mm. Bespoke lintels are available to order.