
What are the duties of a contractor quantity surveyor?

What are the duties of a contractor quantity surveyor?

Quantity surveyors are involved in all phases of a facility’s lifecycle such as feasibility, design, construction, extension, refurbishment, maintenance, and demolition. The competencies of quantity surveyors are aimed at producing constructions that meet the client’s value system.

What are a contractor’s responsibilities?

Contractor Responsibilities:

  • Hiring specialized subcontractors if necessary.
  • Ensuring safety regulations are followed on site at all times.
  • Advising clients.
  • Making sure the sites are secure.
  • Managing work teams, materials and equipment.
  • Inspecting the quality of work done by employed workers and subcontractors.

What do you mean by quantity survey & its importance in construction industry?

Quantity surveyor provides professional assistance in the preparation of commercial estimate or submission of tenders for Commercial construction companies. Quantity surveying is finding its importance in preparation of bill of quantities (BOQ) for both commercial construction companies and sub-contractors estimation.

What is quantity surveyor report?

A quantity surveyor report is a report used by investors to assess wear and tear to claim tax depreciation for their investment property. A quantity surveyor report is also commonly called a tax depreciation schedule or depreciation schedule/report.

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What is the first thing a QS does on a project?

Forecasting the costs of different materials needed for the project. Prepare tender documents, contracts, budgets and other documentation. Take note of changes made and adjusting the budget accordingly.

What are some of the important responsibilities of the contractor to the owner?

Ÿ The Contractor shall erect and properly maintain at all times, as required by the conditions and progress of the work, such as barriers, shoring, supports, braces, lights, danger signs and necessary safeguards, as will protect workmen and the public and as will effectively prevent any injury to persons and damage to …

What is a quantity surveyor report construction?