
What are the features of the first generation computer?

What are the features of the first generation computer?

The main characteristics of first generation of computers (1940s-1950s)

  • Main electronic component – vacuum tube.
  • Main memory – magnetic drums and magnetic tapes.
  • Programming language – machine language.
  • Power – consume a lot of electricity and generate a lot of heat.

What are 5 application of computer?

Some of the application areas of computer are banking, education, industries, entertainments, hospitals, data processing etc. Computer is a very effective tool which can be used for teaching and learning, result processing, student data processing, question preparation, handouts and note preparation etc.

What are the applications of computer class 11?

Let us have a look at each of one of them in detail.

  • Software. A set or collection of programs is called software.
  • Hardware. Like some other data framework, AIS will likewise require some equipment segments.
  • People.
  • Procedure.
  • Information.
  • Financial Accounting.
  • Management Accounting.
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What are the five applications of computer in education?

Uses of Computer in Education

  • Huge & organized store of information. Vast or Immense storage is yet another main great characteristic of a computer.
  • Quick processing of data.
  • Audio-visual guides in teaching process for a viable learning.
  • Parents can know their wards’ progress.
  • Quick Communication & Correspondence.

What are the applications of computer class 9th?

Write any five applications of computer and explain

  • Banking.
  • Education.
  • Industries.
  • Entertainments.
  • Hospitals.
  • Data processing.

What are the applications of computer class 6?

ICSE Class 6 Computer Applications Syllabus in a Nutshell

  • Computer categories and languages of computers.
  • Data organizing techniques and file management.
  • Word processor and presentation in tabular form.
  • Word processor and mail merging techniques.
  • Visual effects and presentation software.

What are the advantages of first-generation computers?

Advantages of First Generatin of Computer: » These computers fast and could calculate data in millisecond. » Vacuum tubes were the only electronic component available during those days. » Vacuum tube technology made possible to make electronic digital computers. » Easily available and inexpensive.