
What are the main features of National Education Policy 2020?

What are the main features of National Education Policy 2020?

Salient features of the NEP 2020

  • Ensuring Universal Access at all levels of school education.
  • Early Childhood Care & Education with new Curricular and Pedagogical Structure.
  • Attaining Foundational Literacy and Numeracy.
  • Reforms in school curricula and pedagogy.
  • Multilingualism and the power of language.

How would you contribute NEP 2020 in your institution?

Focus on core essentials.

  • Stress on the importance of literacy and numeracy skills.
  • Promoting multilingualism and the power of language.
  • Changes in classroom teaching with the NEP.
  • Change in the assessment pattern.
  • No hard separations between subjects and disciplines.
  • Vocational training and coding will start from Class 6.
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    Which institutions prepare national curriculum framework for school education?

    In our country, the mechanism of developing National Curriculum Framework is in place. This is developed by the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) involving educational institutions in state/UTs and various other stakeholders.

    What are the main points of national education policy?

    – As per the new policy, there will be 12 years of schooling with three years of Anganwadi/ pre-schooling. – The new policy emphasises on Foundational Literacy and Numeracy. There will be no rigid separation between academic streams, extracurricular, vocational streams in schools.

    Why is national policy on education an important document in Nigeria?

    The National Policy on Education in Nigeria is meant to ensure proper administration, management and implementation of the educational system in all areas of the society. It provides the direction for educational activities.

    Which are the three enabling conditions for competency based education in India?

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    The three enabling conditions are: Access to technology: In these times when online education is booming, access to good internet facilities at affordable rates is a must. A suitable method for assessment: Competency-based education is personalized and focuses more on practical knowledge rather than factual knowledge.