
What are the properties of photon?

What are the properties of photon?

The basic properties of photons are:

  • They have zero mass and rest energy.
  • They are elementary particles despite lacking rest mass.
  • They have no electric charge.
  • They are stable.
  • They are spin-1 particles which makes them bosons.
  • They carry energy and momentum which are dependent on the frequency.

What mechanical properties do photons have?

Photons do have momentum but not in the usual mechanical sense.

Is a photon a relativistic particle?

A relativistic particle is a particle which moves with a relativistic speed; that is, a speed comparable to the speed of light. This is achieved by photons to the extent that effects described by special relativity are able to describe those of such particles themselves.

What are the properties of light?

The primary properties of light are intensity, propagation direction, frequency or wavelength spectrum and polarization. Its speed in a vacuum, 299 792 458 metres a second (m/s), is one of the fundamental constants of nature.

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What two properties normally associated with particles do Photons have?

Polarization and angular momentum Because photons always move at the speed of light, the spin is best expressed in terms of the component measured along its direction of motion, its helicity, which must be either +ħ, 0, or −ħ.

Which of the following are characteristics of photon has have?

Photons have no mass but they have energy. E=hv where h is the planks constant. The energy of each photon is inversely proportional to the wavelength of the associated EM wave.

What is relativistic and non relativistic particle?

[¦nän‚rel·ə·tə′vis·tik ′pärd·ə·kəl] (relativity) A particle whose velocity is small with respect to that of light.

What are the 5 properties of light?

There are 7 basic properties of light :

  • Reflection of light.
  • Refraction of light.
  • Diffraction of light.
  • Interference of light.
  • Polarization of light.
  • Dispersion of light.
  • Scattering of light.