
What are the smoking laws in India?

What are the smoking laws in India?

In 2003, India passed the Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products Act (COTPA), which prohibits tobacco advertisements through most forms of mass media. Smoking is banned in all public places, with the exception of airports and certain capacity hotels and restaurants with designated smoking areas.

Can you complain about Neighbours smoking in India?

Smoking in pubic place is prohibited but smoking in private place is not prohibited. Lodge a police complaint against her improper act of smoking in open space from creating air pollution in your premises causing seriour health damage to you and your family, 2. You can also write to the local Pollution Control Board.

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Is it legal to smoke in public places in India?

There cannot be any smoking place in public places as all the public places have to be smoke-free. But, there are some provisions under which a smoking area can be provided by the owners, proprietors, manager, supervisor or the person in-charge of affairs at places like hotels and restaurants.

Can cigarettes be couriered within India?

Courier Force may at its sole discretion refuse to carry other items not listed below. ➢Tobacco, loose leaf tobacco products and pre-rolled cigarettes.

Is it legal to smoke on your balcony in India?

No law as such. But you can smoke in any premier under a balcony if it is a part of your house. If the premise under the balcony is part of your house, then you have utmost right to enjoy it.

Where are you not allowed to smoke?

Outdoor public areas Public swimming pools. Spectator areas at sports grounds or other recreational areas used for organised sporting events. Public transport stops and platforms, including ferry wharves and taxi ranks. Within 4 metres of a pedestrian access point to a public building.

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When did it become illegal to smoke indoors?

On January 1, 1998, California became the first state in the country to prohibit indoor smoking in nightspots, bars, bar/restaurant combinations, bingo parlors, cardrooms, and casinos on a statewide basis.

Which is the first smoke free state in India?

But Kerala is now set to become the first smoke-free State in the country with public sector oil companies eyeing 100\% LPG penetration here.