
What are the spiritual development of adolescence?

What are the spiritual development of adolescence?

In the most comprehensive research on spirituality in adolescence, Benson and Scales (2009) viewed spiritual development as the dynamic interplay of three main psychological processes: (a) Being aware of the strengths, wonder, and beauty both within the self and the world in ways that cultivate meaning, identity, and …

What are the stages of spiritual development?

Spiritual Growth and Progression This gradual growth generally involves three stages of development: the purgative stage, the illuminative stage, and the unitive stage.

What is the typical faith stage of adolescence?

Stage 3, synthetic-conventional faith, is the stage of development most common in late adolescence and young adulthood. A hallmark of this stage is dependence on authority figures, which may manifest itself as dependence on the counselor or others.

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What is spiritual development in early childhood?

Through spiritual development, children learn to be aware of and comfortable with qualities such as respect, responsibility, and reverence for self and others. They learn to be capable of acknowledging differences between people without feeling fear. They develop a love for the earth and take action to protect it.

What is the stage 2 in spiritual development?

Stage 2: (6-12 years, school age) Mythic–Literal stage in which information is organized into stories. These stories, along with moral rules, are understood literally and concretely. There is little ability to step back from the story and formulate an overarching meaning. Justice and fairness are seen as reciprocal.

What is spiritual development in personal development?

Spiritual: Spiritual personal development focuses on giving us the tools we need to become mature, spiritual, and productive disciples of Jesus. Spiritual personal development focuses on our spiritual nature. If we feed our spiritual hunger, then the character of God’s Spirit will grow in our hearts.

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What are the levels of spirituality?

The 7 Stages of Spiritual Development

  • Stage 1: Innocence. You are born into a material world, where your life is dominated by your lower three chakras.
  • Stage 2: Fear, Ego.
  • Stage 3: Power.
  • First Choice.
  • Stage 4: Giving.
  • Second Choice.
  • Stage 5: The Seeker.
  • Stage 6: The Sage.

What is spiritual growth and development?

Spiritual growth is the process of inner awakening, rising of the consciousness beyond the ordinary, everyday existence, and awakening to some Universal truths. It means going beyond the mind and the ego and realizing who you really are.

What is the stage 3 in spiritual development?

Your life becomes self-centered and you remain at Stage 3. For others, a feeling that there is more to life begins to dawn. Rather than just accumulating possessions and power, you look for a deeper meaning to life. You start to awaken spiritually and continue to Stage 4.