
What can PEX pipe be used for?

What can PEX pipe be used for?

PEX pipe is approved for residential and commercial hot and cold water distribution systems, municipal water service lines, radiant panel heating systems, hydronic baseboard heating systems, snow and ice melting systems and building services pipe.

Is PEX good for plumbing?

All this makes PEX an excellent piping material for hot and cold water systems, especially since it is flexible and well adapted for temperatures below freezing all the way up to 200 degrees Fahrenheit. PEX is easy for plumbers to install and has fewer joints, bringing your costs down.

What is better PEX or copper pipes?

PEX pipe is not only cheaper than copper but more durable too. PEX is immune to corrosion and mineral build-up, and it’s not affected by electrolysis, which can cause small pinhole leaks in copper piping. Copper pipes can last anywhere from six months to the life of a building.

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Does PEX pipe need insulated?

Insulated PEX pipe is also flexible, meaning that it can be used like any other kind of PEX pipe, including being fitted around bends. The insulated pipe is very easy to install, and so long as you have had previous experience installing pipes, there is no reason why you should not be able to use this in your home.

What is the best PEX connection method?

PEX Connection Methods. The most common connection method used in PEX installation is the “Crimp” method. This process involves sliding a ribbed fitting into the PEX tube and crimping a seal ring around the connection point. These rings are typically made of copper, but may be found in plastic as well as brass.

What is the difference between red and blue PEX tubing?

Red PEX tubing identifies the hot water line, while blue PEX tubing is used for cold water. Red and blue PEX have identical physical properties except the color that differentiates them. The most common size used in PEX plumbing applications is 1/2″, however sizes are available from 1/4″ to 3″.

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Can PEX fittings be used underground?

Pex can be run underground (I prefer copper as well) but make sure that there are no sharp edged rocks in the trench and surround it with sand, ~ 12″. Make it is run in one continuous length with no underground joints. As for entry into the crawlspace, if the floor is concrete then make sure it is sleeved in ABS.