
What can we learn from Taxi Driver?

What can we learn from Taxi Driver?

The message of Taxi Driver seems to be that lonely and desperate people just want attention, and that society only gives attention to regular people if they commit horrific acts. Society is fascinated with violence and will, in a sense, reward violent people by giving them the attention they crave.

What is the famous line from Taxi Driver?

In the talk after the movie, the three legends delved into the story behind one of the film’s landmark scenes: the “You talkin’ to me?” line De Niro’s character Travis Bickle gives to himself in the mirror.

What should I watch if I like Taxi Driver?

10 Films To Watch If You Like Taxi Driver

  • 3 Cape Fear (1991)
  • 4 American Psycho (2000)
  • 5 Drive (2011)
  • 6 Léon: The Professional (1994)
  • 7 Panic Room (2002)
  • 8 Raging Bull (1980)
  • 9 Goodfellas (1990)
  • 10 You Were Never Really Here (2017)

Is taxi driver the greatest movie ever?

Taxi Driver is ranked 8th – The Greatest Films.

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Is taxi driver a masterpiece?

Martin Scorsese’s “Taxi Driver” is widely regarded as one of the greatest movies ever made, but Scorsese still has a bone to pick with his masterpiece.

Are taxi drivers sad?

The main character — lonely, depressed, and alienated — starts to slide into a deteriorating mental and emotional state in which he has delusions of grandeur as well as homicidal and suicidal thoughts.

Are taxi drivers lonely?

Taxi Driver is an extended close-up of Travis Bickle, its protagonist, and our proximity to him reveals his loneliness.

Is taxi driver a copy?

Warner Bros. Note: The following includes spoilers for the films Taxi Driver, The King of Comedy, and Joker. About the only thing everyone agrees upon regarding Joker is that it’s kind of a remake of two Martin Scorsese movies: Taxi Driver (1976) and The King of Comedy (1982), both of which star Robert De Niro.

Will there be a taxi driver 2?

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Industry agents reported on July 6, 2021, that the drama series production company Studio S has officially confirmed the production for the second season planned for next year. The report also stated that the drama is currently working on reaching out to the stars and creating a production team.