
What can you do with a minor in archaeology?

What can you do with a minor in archaeology?

Upon completion of the minor, students are equipped to think critically about the archaeological record and as educators, museum professionals, researchers, lawyers, as well as policy makers and employees of cultural institutions and heritage sites in various roles across multiple government agencies (forestry, BLM.

What can you do with a minor in anthropology?

Former students of anthropology have found their training useful in the fields of education, health care and public health, business and marketing, social services, speech pathology, language teaching, non-governmental and international agencies, museums, communications, counseling, law, journalism, contract …

Do you need an archaeology degree to be an archaeologist?

Most professional archaeologists have a degree, and many also have a postgraduate qualification. You can do degree courses in archaeology, as well as those specialising in different aspects of the work, like: environmental archaeology. human evolution.

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What is minor Archaeology?

A minor in Archaeology provides an introduction to the study of the material cultures of past societies. It can complement many majors, including but not limited to Anthropology, Applied Physics, Art and Art History, Classics, Earth Systems, Geological and Environmental Sciences, History, and Religious Studies.

What jobs can an anthropologist get?

An anthropology degree can give you the foundations to pursue careers such as archeology, college professor, environmental anthropologist, medical anthropologist and museum curator. It can also help you make a difference on teams that focus on advertising, diversity, human resources, user experience and social justice.

What jobs do anthropologists do?

Anthropologists study human behavior, biology, cultures, and societies from ancient times through the modern day. Armed with this knowledge, many anthropologists work within their own societies, examining complex issues in economics, health, education, laws, and policies.

How much do archaeologist make UK?

Starting salaries can range from £19,853 to £20,926 and should not fall below £19,200. With experience and increased responsibility, you can expect a salary of £29,123 to £31,561 (but not less than £22,400). At senior level, your salary can range from £36,552 to £40,276 (minimum of £28,850).

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Does archeology pay well?

Archaeologists made a median salary of $63,670 in 2019. The best-paid 25 percent made $81,480 that year, while the lowest-paid 25 percent made $49,760.