
What device is used to copy and save the files on the computer?

What device is used to copy and save the files on the computer?

To copy and save the file on the computer either the mouse or the shortcut keys of the keyboard are used.

How do you copy and save on a computer?

Use the shortcut key combination Ctrl + C on a PC or Command + C on a Mac to copy the text. Move the text cursor to where you want to paste the text.

What type of devices allows you to save your file?

Flash drive: Flash drives are small, removable hard drives that plug into the USB ports on your computer. They are relatively inexpensive (usually less than $20) and can be purchased at any store with an electronics section.

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What device transfers data from hardcopy to softcopy?

To create a digital version of a hard copy (soft copy), an optical scanner or OCR is used. An OCR reproduction of a text document can be modified in a word processor.

Which device is used to transfer the data in the computer file to a paper?

Answer:Pendrive Explanation: Answer:Pendrive Explanation:the storage device used to transfer a drawing from one computer to another is any media, permanently attached or transportable, capable of storing electronic information.

What is saving on computer?

Save is writing data to a storage medium, such as a floppy disk, CD-R, USB flash drive, or hard drive. The save option is found in almost all programs commonly under the “File” drop-down menu or through an icon that resembles a floppy diskette.

What are softcopy devices?

What is a soft copy output device? Because a soft copy is digital, it must be displayed on a device with a screen. For example, your computer monitor and screen on your smartphone can both display a soft copy. Hard copy, Monitor, Output, Paperless, Smartphone, Software terms, Word processor terms.

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What is soft copy devices?

Soft copy refers to the digital document file or electronic version of a document that is not printed on paper. In soft copy the output is present in the USB drives and computers etc and sometimes it is referred as temporary copy.

What is copying in computer?

In word processing, for example, copying refers to duplicating a section of a document and placing it in a buffer (sometimes called a clipboard). The term copy differs from cut, which refers to actually removing a section of a document and placing it in a buffer.

Where do you save files?

On Windows computers, most of the files you work on are saved to the C: drive, which is the default drive. To save to another drive (e.g., flash drive), you would need to know the drive letter and specify that drive letter when saving the file.

Which is an example of softcopy device?

Some examples of soft copy output devices are monitors, projectors, video display terminals. Soft copy is an electronic display of digital information, such as files viewed on the pc monitor. A digital . JPG file, a digital Word document, an email attachment are all examples of soft copy.