
What did philosophers say about loneliness?

What did philosophers say about loneliness?

The best form of life will be contemplative, the philosopher Aristotle concurs. Solitude, according to the Renaissance poet-philosopher Petrarch, rehabilitates the soul, corrects morals, renews affections, erases blemishes, purges faults, (and) reconciles God and man.

What’s the best way to deal with loneliness?

Are you connected but still lonely? Use these strategies to overcome loneliness.

  1. Practice self-kindness.
  2. Capitalize on the present moment.
  3. Connect in real life.
  4. Rethink how you spend your spare time.
  5. Do more things with people.
  6. Talk to strangers.
  7. Be active online.
  8. Share for real online.

What does NiETZSCHE say about loneliness?

“Lonely one [Einsamer],” he says, “you are going the way to your- self,” but, “You must wish to consume yourself in your own flame: how could you wish to become new unless you had first become ashes!” (Z I: “On the Page 6 198 | JOuRNAL OF NiETZSCHE STuDiES Way of the Creator”).

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What is love from a philosophical perspective?

For the philosopher, the question “what is love?” generates a host of issues: love is an abstract noun which means for some it is a word unattached to anything real or sensible, that is all; for others, it is a means by which our being—our self and its world—are irrevocably affected once we are ‘touched by love’; some …

Did Nietzsche isolate himself?

Nietzsche spent the last 11 years of his life in total mental darkness, first in a Basel asylum, then in Naumburg under his mother’s care and, after her death in 1897, in Weimar in his sister’s care. He died in 1900. His breakdown was long attributed to atypical general paralysis caused by dormant tertiary syphilis.

What is the existential view of loneliness?

An existential view of loneliness. Loneliness is ontologically necessary for a coherent human life. It isn’t something to be shunned or afraid of: it is, rather, a possible catalyst for a more purposeful and engaging life, and an avenue for heightened self-awareness.

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Are loneliness and death necessary?

Just as the experience of joy is heightened by sorrow, loneliness, ‘haunted always with the certainty of death,’ makes life precious. Loneliness and death are thus inescapable facets of human existence, each ontologically necessary for a coherent human life.

What is epistemic loneliness according to Sartre?

Some philosophers, such as Sartre, believe in an epistemic loneliness in which loneliness is a fundamental part of the human condition because of the paradox between people’s consciousness desiring meaning in life and the isolation and nothingness of the universe.

What does it mean to be lonely in a relationship?

Loneliness is an emotional state in which a person typically experiences a powerful feeling of emptiness. Loneliness is more than just wanting company or wanting to do something with another person. Loneliness is a feeling of being cut off, disconnected and/or alienated from other people.