
What dinosaur was vegetarian?

What dinosaur was vegetarian?

Herbivorous dinosaurs—which included sauropods, ankylosaurs, stegosaurus, hadrosaurs, pachycephalosaurus, ornithopods, ceratopsians, and titanosaurs—vastly outnumbered meat-eaters in prehistoric times.

Did T. rex only eat meat?

T. rex was a very big meat-eating dinosaur, also called a carnivore. It would have been at the top of the food chain. It is known to have fed on other large dinosaurs, such as Edmontosaurus, Anatosaurus, and Triceratops, and probably could have swallowed smaller dinosaurs in a single bite.

Did the T. rex eat plants?

rex a carnivore? A: Dinosaurs ate plants for the most part, because they were built to chew and grind plants with their teeth or rocks in their stomachs. Meat-eaters, like T. rex, had sharp, sawing teeth for cutting meat, so they ate other dinosaurs, either dead or alive.

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Is the brontosaurus vegetarian?

The largest animals to have ever lived on land were colossal vegetarians known as sauropods, which included the massive Apatosaurus (once known as Brontosaurus).

Are dino nuggets vegan?

Vegan, vegetarian and flexitarian friendly, these plant-based snacks can be served with confidence, as nuggets are made with all-natural ingredients and no preservatives and dish up 8 grams of protein and 600 milligrams of omega-3 fatty acids per serving.

Do all theropods eat meat?

Their results challenge the conventional view that nearly all theropods hunted prey, especially those closest to the ancestors of birds. Tyrannosaurus rex may have been a flesh-eating terror but many of his closest relatives were more content with vegetarian fare, a new analysis by Field Museum scientists has found.

Did T. rex eat Stegosaurus?

Have a nice night! Tyrannosaurus Rex did not prey on Stegosaurus. Stegosaurus is from the Jurassic Period, but Tyrannosaurus is from the Cretaceous Period. But if they fought, its more of a 70:30 chance, tipping towards Stegosaurus.