
What disease does Rick Warren have?

What disease does Rick Warren have?

He has a rare neurological disease called spinal myoclonus that causes spasms and blurs his vision when he gets a jolt of adrenaline. That makes preaching six services in one day a tough task, Warren said.

Does Rick Warren have a PHD?

Born in San Jose in 1954, Warren grew up in Ukiah and later received multiple degrees in the 70’s and 80’s, including a Bachelor’s Degree from the California Baptist University in Riverside and a Doctorate from the Fuller Seminary in Pasadena.

Who is Rick Warrens father?

Jimmy Warren
Rick Warren/Fathers

Where is Rick Warren from?

San Jose, CA
Rick Warren/Place of birth

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Who is Rick Warren’s wife?

Kay Warrenm. 1975
Rick Warren/Wife

What kind of church is Saddleback?

Southern Baptist Convention
Saddleback Church is a Baptist Evangelical multi-site megachurch, affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention, located in Lake Forest, California….

Saddleback Church
Country United States
Denomination Southern Baptist Convention
Weekly attendance 23,494

What is Pastor Rick Warrens net worth?

Rick Warren’s net worth is $25 million. The pastor is one of the richest preachers in the world, but he is not like what some would imagine.

Who are Rick Warren’s children?

Matthew Warren
Josh WarrenAmy Warren
Rick Warren/Children

Who is a famous evangelist?

Billy Graham, the most famous American evangelist of the 20th century, has died.

Who is the most powerful man of God in the world?

1. Kenneth Max Copeland. Kenneth Max Copeland is the most popular pastor in the world, and the first in the list of the most powerful pastors in the world. He is a public speaker, an American author, a musician, and a televangelist whose main aim is to help people and change their lives through the power of God’s Word.