
What do I do if my septum piercing is infected?

What do I do if my septum piercing is infected?


  1. choose a qualified, experienced and licensed piercer.
  2. clean your piercing twice a day.
  3. use warm, salty water to soften any crusting.
  4. gently turn the jewellery while cleaning the piercing.
  5. use a clean paper towel to dry the piercing.
  6. gargle with salty water or an alcohol-free mouthwash if you have a mouth piercing.

How long does an infected septum piercing take to heal?

Septum piercings take about 2 to 3 months to heal. The septum is a thin layer of skin, nerves, and blood vessels between your two nostrils. It’s delicate and usually hurts more than a nostril piercing. However, it heals quickly because there’s less tissue for your body to reconstruct.

Can you put Neosporin on an infected septum piercing?

Don’t apply over-the-counter antiseptics, including Neosporin. If you think your piercing is getting infected, continue your saline rinses and see your piercer for advice. Don’t use hydrogen peroxide — this will cause irritation in the piercing.

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Is my septum piercing infected or irritated?

According to Thompson, the telltale signs of an infection are simple: “The area around the piercing is warm to the touch, you notice extreme redness or red streaks protruding from it, and it has discolored pus, normally with a green or brown tint,” Thompson says.

Can septum piercings get infected?

Any piercing will bleed. A septum piercing may bleed more than pierced nares. You could also form a hematoma, a swollen bruise that can become infected or disfigure your face.

How do you know if your septum is rejecting?

Symptoms of piercing rejection

  1. more of the jewelry becoming visible on the outside of the piercing.
  2. the piercing remaining sore, red, irritated, or dry after the first few days.
  3. the jewelry becoming visible under the skin.
  4. the piercing hole appearing to be getting larger.
  5. the jewelry looking like it is hanging differently.

Can a septum piercing damage your nose?

A septum piercing may bleed more than pierced nares. You could also form a hematoma, a swollen bruise that can become infected or disfigure your face.