
What do I need to survive an apocalypse?

What do I need to survive an apocalypse?

Zombie Apocalypse Gear: 25 Essentials for Survival

  1. Gerber Apocalypse Kit.
  2. Tactical Sammich.
  3. Lifesaver Water Bottle.
  4. Coleman Expedition First Aid Kit.
  5. M4 Tactical Crossbow.
  6. Dead On Annihilator Superhammer.
  7. Blackhawk S.O.L.A.G. HD Kevlar Gloves.
  8. 5.11 Tactical Field Ops Watch.

What do I need to do to prepare for the apocalypse?

Build a Bug Out Bag

  1. Water. Water is a survival basic, and the first priority in any survival situation.
  2. Food. For a three day Bug Out Bag, freeze dried meals and energy bars can be sufficient.
  3. Clothing.
  4. Shelter.
  5. First Aid Kit.
  6. Outdoor Gear.
  7. Weapons.

What skill would you bring to a zombie apocalypse?

So just in case civilization collapses tomorrow, remember these zombie apocalypse survival skills. Always remember the six F’s: Fight, Flee, Fire, Food, First Aid and Fix & Repair.

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What traits do you need to survive a zombie apocalypse?

There are a number of factors that will help determine which groups survive the zombie apocalypse and why is not personalities, but skills and traits:

  • Creativity.
  • Ingenuity.
  • Medical knowledge. Of course, this should be expected.
  • Alertness.
  • Social bonds.
  • Strategy and tactics.

What do you eat in the apocalypse?

14 foods to keep in your bunker to survive the apocalypse

  • You can consume honey past its expiration date.
  • Uncooked rice can last 30 years.
  • Peanut butter needs no refrigeration.
  • Alcohol won’t perish easily.
  • Dried beans last indefinitely.
  • Energy bars are a must.
  • Certain types of candy can last up to a year.

Where should I go when the world ends?

14 places to go if the world is going to end

  • Iceland. Reuters/Lucas Jackson.
  • Tristan da Cunha. NASA.
  • Guam. Wikipedia/Public Domain.
  • Chiang Mai. Wikipedia/Public Domain.
  • Denver. Larry Johnson/flickr.
  • Antarctica. Reuters.
  • Puncak Jaya. Alfindra Primaldhi/CC 2.0.
  • Cape Town. Wikipedia/CC 3.0.
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What happens if zombies don’t eat?

As they are dead, their flesh would rot due to decomposition and weathering. The zombies would break down and eventually there would be none left. The reason that “zombies” do not eat each other is because they are fictional characters played by actors obeying the instructions in the script.