
What do you call binge-watching?

What do you call binge-watching?

Binge-watching (also called binge-viewing) is the practice of watching entertainment or informational content for a prolonged time span, usually a single television show. Binge-watching overlaps with marathon viewing which places more emphasis on stamina and less on self-indulgence.

How do you say binge watch in Italian?

  1. comandata.
  2. comandata.
  3. orologio.

How do you say watch videos in French?


  1. 1. (= film) vidéo f. a video of my family on holiday une vidéo de ma famille en vacances. to watch a video regarder une vidéo.
  2. 2. (= cassette) vidéo f. She lent me a video. Elle m’a prêté une vidéo. on video en vidéo.
  3. 3. (= recorder) magnétoscope m. Have you got a video? Tu as un magnétoscope?
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What is the French word for video?

1. (= film) vidéo f. a video of my family on holiday une vidéo de ma famille en vacances. to watch a video regarder une vidéo.

Is binge a bad word?

Binge, here, is usually meant to be positive, if excessive, expressing that we like something so much we gobble it up all at once.

Is binge an actual word?

verb (used without object), binged, bing·ing or binge·ing. to have a binge: to binge on junk food.

What is German video?

More German words for video. das Video noun. video. der Videorekorder noun. video.

Is Leccion masculine or feminine?

Feminine, words ending in “a, dad, ción”, for example “la casa, la ciudad, la lección” are generally feminine.

What can I say instead of a binge watch?

Alternatives to binging Synonyms for binge include spree and jamboree. Both of which would be more fun, if a little twee — later, guys, I’m going on a TV spree! If you want to get a little more medieval about it, you could talk about a televisual feast.

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Is binge-watching a bad term?

As someone who has a history of binge eating disorder, those comments feel insensitive. Since the term binge-watching is frequently heard in conversations and displayed around the media, it makes sense that so many people are saying it now. The word is typically intended to make someone feel guilty or ashamed.

Is film masculine or feminine in German?

Declension Film

Singular Plural
Nom. der Film die Filme
Gen. des Film(e)s der Filme
Dat. dem Film(e) den Filmen
Acc. den Film die Filme