
What do you say when someone says thank you sir?

What do you say when someone says thank you sir?

10 English Phrases for Responding to “Thank You”

  1. You’re welcome.
  2. No problem.
  3. No worries.
  4. Don’t mention it.
  5. My pleasure.
  6. Anytime.
  7. It was the least I could do.
  8. Glad to help.

Why do people say thank you after class?

Toppers or the students who are really or genuinely interested in learning or the first benchers , say thank you for the knowledgeable and informative session by the professors. Back benchers say thank you to the professors for leaving the class after a boring lecture of straight 50 minutes.

Should you thank your professor after class?

I think the vast majority of professors (and all teachers of all kinds) would appreciate a short, thoughtful note like this. No need to overdo it though. Even better, stop by their office hours and thank them in person!

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How do you comment on a teacher lecture?

Students comments

  1. Thank you very much Professor Shoniregun.
  2. I wish you the best of the best with your career and your life.
  3. Thank you so much Professor Shoniregun.
  4. God Almighty will continue to favour you and crown all your efforts with success…!
  5. With many thanks Sir.
  6. Professor, Thank you very much for your help…!

How do you respond to a thank you Professor?

Thanks sent by professor as part of a larger email initiated by the professor. Imagine the professor sends you an email that provides detailed information that also includes a thank you. In that case it might be appropriate for the student to reply: “you’re welcome”.

How do you praise a student?

101 Ways To Say “Very Good!”

  1. I’m happy to see you working like that.
  2. You’ve just about mastered that.
  3. You’re really working hard today.
  4. I’m proud of the way you worked today.
  5. That’s the best you’ve ever done.
  6. You’re doing that much better.
  7. Keep working on it. You’re good.
  8. Couldn’t have done it better myself.

How do you write a thank you note for students?

Here’s how in five easy steps:

  1. Brainstorm Why You Want to Thank Them. On a piece of paper, jot down whatever comes to mind when you think of the person you are writing a thank you letter for.
  2. Remember the Specifics. Recall memories you have had with this person.
  3. Use Nice Stationery.
  4. Include a Greeting.
  5. Start Writing.
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How do you thank students?

Thank you very much, indeed. It was clever of you to pick out something so perfect for me. I enjoyed having you in my class this year and appreciated all the effort you put into your work. I am sure you will go on to do great things since you are talented and smart, too.

Is it proper to say thank you sir or Sir?

The common way of showing appreciation for a thing or act that has been done for you is just to say, “Thank you!”. If the person is a man, and if you want to show that you respect him not only as an equal, but as a superior, in either age, power, stature, or esteem, then it is proper to say “Thank you, sir!”.

How do you say thank you to your professor in English?

Thanks for the hard work you put into the course. I would like to express my thankfulness to you, a great professor, for your wonderful lessons in the class. I also want to thank you so much for your kindness and your great assistance to an international student like me. Thank you for teaching me that emotion and logic exist best together.

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Is it considered impolite to say yes sir or Miss in class?

It is considered impolite to answer with “Yep” or “Mhm” and some schools even make students answer “Yes Sir/Miss”. Also, the teacher may use the register to ask students about previous absences or times when they were not in class.

Do you write thank you notes to faculty members?

Following the Fall of 2019, several Mizzou students took time to write thank you notes to faculty members as part of the “Thank-A-Prof” initiative. Here is just a small sampling of the notes sent from students to instructors. Thank you so much for making a subject I was worried about disliking, a class that I was excited to show up to.