
What does a doctored document mean?

What does a doctored document mean?

to change a document in order to deceive people: He was found to have provided the court with doctored evidence.

How can you tell if a document is altered?

A document examiner will use a variety of techniques including alternate light sources, magnification, detection of indented impressions, side lighting, transmitted lighting, and others in a non-destructive method to examine the document for characteristics indicative of alterations.

What do you mean by doctored?

a. To falsify or change in such a way as to make favorable to oneself: doctored the evidence. b. To add ingredients so as to improve or conceal the taste, appearance, or quality of: doctor the soup with a dash of sherry.

Why is it called doctored?

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The adjective doctored derives from the figurative use of the verb doctor, meaning per the OED: To treat so as to alter the appearance, flavour, or character of; to disguise, falsify, tamper with, adulterate, sophisticate, ‘cook’. The first citation is from the 18th century.

What is altered document?

Alteration is defined as any change to a document which gives it a different effect from that it originally possessed. If change is made after execution of a document and without the consent of the other party or concerned person, then such change is called fraudulent alteration.

In what ways can a document be altered?

Alterations include erasures, charring, indented writing, additional markings, as well as obliterations, while obliterations are the overwriting of text with another substance.

What does doctored evidence mean?

a. To falsify or change in such a way as to make favorable to oneself: doctored the evidence.

What is the meaning of Docted?

1 : a person who is skilled in the science of medicine : a person who is trained and licensed to treat sick and injured people I think you should see a doctor. [=physician] He needed medicine but refused to go to a doctor. See More Examples.

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What are the kinds of document alterations?

Lesson Summary Alterations include erasures, charring, indented writing, additional markings, as well as obliterations, while obliterations are the overwriting of text with another substance.

What is obliterated document?

Introduction. The obliterated writing is writing that has been obscured or removed by deliberately overwritten or masked using different colored writing instruments of varying ink. The decipherment of such obliterated writing is an important and difficult task for forensic document examiners.

What is editing a document?

“Editing” in general means fixing problems in a written document so that it has no mistakes and is easy to read. Substantive editing is when an editor reviews the whole manuscript and suggests changes to the organization, logical flow, presentation, structure, or content.

Why is it called doctoring?

Anyone with a doctorate can be called ‘doctor’. The doctor’s degree was a product of the medieval universities; this higher degree simply conferred the right to teach. This ‘doctoring’ verb made it easy to call medical practitioners ‘doctors’.