
What does a medic do in the National Guard?

What does a medic do in the National Guard?

The role of a National Guard medic in combat is to stabilize patients injured on the battlefield and assist in evacuating them, normally to a mobile hospital for further treatment.

Can you be a medic in the Army National Guard?

Guard jobs encompass an incredible field of medical specialties—from dental work and nutrition planning to operating room and laboratory assistance. On the battlefield, combat medics are dynamic lifesavers. Whichever medical career you choose, you can be sure that your job will be as rewarding as it is challenging.

Do National Guard medics get deployed?

Combat Medic’s deploy just as much as any other combat field MOS, in which they can deploy once to twice within the span of 3 years. It depends on the unit you’re in. You may never deploy. Depends on unit your with!

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How long is medic training in National Guard?

Job training for a health care specialist requires 10 weeks of Basic Combat Training and 16 weeks of Advanced Individual Training, including practice of inpatient care. Some of the skills you’ll learn are: Patient care techniques. Emergency medical techniques.

How do you become an Army medic?

If you are interested in becoming a U.S. Army medic, consider following these steps:

  1. Complete high school education.
  2. Apply to join the U.S. Army.
  3. Take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB)
  4. Complete addition testing.
  5. Complete U.S. Army and medic training.
  6. Complete additional training.

What do Army medics carry?

Therefore, the Medic carries basically what a Rifleman or any other soldier carries. The basic equipment of a US Army medic usually consists of: An M4 rifle and/or an M17/M18 Modular Handgun System. A MOLLE Vest with a full “combat load,” being (most often) 210 rounds for the M-4/M-16 rifle.

How long is an Army medic contract?

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Army Medic Training Provided When you enlist into the Army as an EMT Army Medic, you become a part of a team of Soldiers. As a of contracts available from 2 years to 6 years normally Additional pay allowances based on …