
What does Get Ready Get Set Go mean?

What does Get Ready Get Set Go mean?

On your mark, get set, go! is a phrase used to begin a competition. Originally, on your mark, get set, go! was used in the 1800s to begin foot races. The phrase ready, set, go! is a shortened version of take your mark, get set, go! that is also used to open a competition, usually in an informal situation.

What is the meaning set go?

(US also on your mark, get set, go) something called out to competitors at the beginning of a running race. Competitions, & parts of competitions.

What does ready to go mean?

It can mean literally “ready to go somewhere,” or it can just generally mean “prepared.” In the context you provided, Clinton is saying that wearing a pantsuit makes her feel prepared for anything that she might need to do.

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Are you mark get set?

(sports) A three-command start when racing: on your mark (get on your lane/spot) get set (get to starting position)

Is it on your mark or on your marks?

On your marks in British English, or on your mark in American English, is a command given to runners at the beginning of a race in order to get them into the correct position to start.

What is meaning of get go?

Definition of get-go : the very beginning —used in the phrase from the get-go didn’t like me from the get-go.

What is another word for get ready?

What is another word for get ready?

prepare steel
prepare yourself ready yourself
get everything ready make provisions
psych yourself up arrange things
gird up one’s loins rig oneself out

How do you say ready to go?


  1. 1 all set, arranged, completed, fit, in readiness, organized, prepared, primed, ripe, set.
  2. 2 agreeable, apt, disposed, eager, game (informal) glad, happy, have-a-go (informal) inclined, keen, minded, predisposed, prone, willing.
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What does being on the go mean?

On the go means you’re either traveling or just zipping around being busy. If you’re catching the next flight, you’re on the go. If you’re running around all day getting ready for a birthday party, you’re on the go, too. On the go is a phrase for people who are extremely active.

What does lights camera action mean?

Filters. The traditional cue to the members of a film crew at the beginning of a take. phrase.

What does ‘Ready Set Go’ Mean?

ready, set, go. A set phrase said at the beginning of a race to mark when the competitors can begin.

What is ready set school?

Ready Set School is funded by private, public, and business donations. All funds raised go directly to the families so they may decide whether to purchase supplies, clothing, or a combination of both. Funds are spent just like a gift card at designated local retailers, keeping those funds in our community.

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What does get ready! mean?

In this case “get” means “become”. “get ready” is a stable phrase that means “make yourself prepared”. For example, you can tell your friend: “We are leaving in 5 minutes. Get ready.”. If you want to specify the target of preparation, you use “for”.